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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A new lavandulylated flavonoid, 8-lavandulylkaempferol (1), was isolated from the roots of Sophora f1avescens AITON (Leguminosae). The structure of this compound was determined via spectroscopic analysis. Compound 1 was determined to be a scavenger on both 1, 1-diphenyl­2-picrylhydrazyl radicals and...


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제안 방법

  • , 2005). As the EtOAc fraction of the MeOH extract of this plant exhibited more profound scavenging activities on DPPH and ONOO- than the CH2CI2 fraction, we conducted this study in order to identify the active compound(s) in the EtOAc fraction.

대상 데이터

  • 자le (HR) FAB-MS spectra used in this study were provided by the Korea Basic Science Institute. This study was supported by a grant (05142HM625) from the National Center for Standardization of Herbal Medicine funded by the Food Drug & Administration, Republic of Korea (2005).


  • ONOO- scavenging activity was assessed by monitoring the oxidation of DHR 123, in accordance with a modified version of the method of Kooy et al. (1994). The DHR 123 (5 mM) in dimethylformamide, was purged with nitrogen, stored at -80℃, and used as a stock solution.
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참고문헌 (21)

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