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양식 자주복 (Takifugu rubripes)의 Heterobothrium 감염증
Heterobothrium Infection of Tiger puffer, Takifugu rubripes Cultured in Ponds on Land 원문보기

韓國魚病學會誌= Journal of fish pathology, v.19 no.2, 2006년, pp.99 - 108  

박성우 (군산대학교) ,  박기천 (군산대학교)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Diseased tiger puffer (Takijugu rubripes) showed anorexia and severe anemia in the gills. In wet mount preparations Heterobothrium sp. with 4 sets of clamps on the opisthohaptor attached to the gill filaments of the diseased fish. From the drum-shaped filter for filtration of the culturing water and...


참고문헌 (10)

  1. Chigasaki, M., Ogawa, K. and Wakabayashi, H.: Standardized method for experimental infection of tiger puffer, Takifugu rubripes with oncomiracidia of Heterobothrium okamotoi (Monogenea: Diclidopophoridae) with some data on the oncomiracidium biology. Fish Pathol., 35: 215-221, 2000 

  2. Hiraza, N., Ohtake, T. and Hata, K.: Challenge trials on the anthelmintic effect of drugs and natural agents against the monogenean Heterobothrium okamoti in the tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes. Aquaculture, 188: 1-13, 2000 

  3. Ogawa, K.: Egg hatching of the monogenean Heterobothrium okamotoi, a gill parasite of cultured tiger puffer (Takifugu rubripes). with a description of its oncomiracidium. Fish Pathol., 33: 25-30, 1998 

  4. Ogawa, K.: Integrated control-an example: Heterobothrium of tiger puffer. Symposium (C) Parasitology International. 47 (suppl.): 85, 1998 

  5. Ogawa, K.: Impacts of diclidophorid monogenean infections on fisheries in Japan. Intl. J. Parasitol., 32: 373-380, 2002 

  6. Ogawa, K. and Inouye, K.: Heterobothrium infection of cultured tiger puffer (Takifugu rubripes)-A field observation. Fish Pathol., 31: 1-14, 1997 

  7. Ogawa, K. and Yokoyama, H.: Parasitic diseases of cultured marine fish in Japan. Fish Pathol., 33: 303-309, 1998 

  8. Wang, G., Kim, J. H., Sameshiam, M. and Ogawa, K.: Detection of antibodies against the monogenean Heterobothrium okamotoi in tiger puffer by ELISA. Fish Pathol., 32: 179-180, 1997 

  9. Williams, A. and Lethbridge, R. C.: The subcutaneous attachment of the monogenean Heterobothrium elongatum (Diclidophoridae) in the gills of Torquigener pleurogramma (Pices: Tetraodontidae). Intl. Parasitol., 20: 769-777, 1990 

  10. 岡本 亮: ???海におけるフグの吸?にいて。 水産增殖 臨時號 3: 17-27, 1963 

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