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[국내논문] 헤드스페이스-가스크로마토그래피-질량분석법에 의한 체모 중 포름알데하이드 측정법 연구
The Study on the Measurement of Formaldehyde in Hair by HS-GC-MS 원문보기

韓國環境保健學會誌 = Journal of environmental health sciences, v.32 no.1 = no.88, 2006년, pp.67 - 70  

신호상 (공주대학교 환경교육과 약물남용연구소) ,  안혜실 (공주대학교 환경과학과 대학원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A gas chromatography/mass spectrometric method was developed for the determination of formaldehyde in hair. 0.3mg of hair was placed in 10ml headspace vial. 1.5mM pentafluorophenylhydrazine solution (pH 2) in 0.03 M phosphoric acid and $20\;{\mu}l$ of 500 mg/l $acetone-d_6$ as ...


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문제 정의

  • 본 연구에서는 포름알데하이드에 의한 중 . 장기 노출 정도를 쉽게 판단하기 위해 고통 없이 간단히 시료채취가 가능한 체모 시료 중 포름알데하이드의 고감도가스크로마토그래프 -질량분석법을 제시하고자" 한다 .
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (7)

  1. Kim, J. G. and Shin, H. S. : A study on the evaluation of the stop-smoking program for active smoking- and passive smoking students. Korean Society of Environmental Health, 28(3), 26-33, 2002 

  2. Conaway, C. C., Whysner, J., Verna, L. K. and Williams, G. M. : Formalde-hyde mechanistic data and risk assessment. Phannacol. Ther, 71, 29-55, 1996 

  3. Luo, W., u. H., Zhang, Y. and Ang, C. Y. W. : Determination of formaldehyde in blood plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. J. Chromatogr. B, 753, 253-257, 2001 

  4. Casanova, M., d'A. Heck, H., Everitt, J. I., Harrington, W. W. and Popp, J. A. : Formaldehyde concentrations in the blood of rhesus monkeys after inhalation exposure. Food & Chem. Toxicol, 26, 715-716, 1988 

  5. De Andrade, J. B., De Andrade, M.V., Pinheiro, H. L. C., Martins, R. A. and Borges, E. L. : Determination of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in urine by HPLC. Am. Lab., 31, 22, 1999 

  6. Rozylo, T. K., Zabinska, A., Rozylo-Kalinowska, I. and Tvihak, E. : Quantitative determination of formaldehyde in human saliva by OPLC. Chem. & Environ.. Research, 10, 315-319, 2001 

  7. Casanova-Schmitz, M., Starr, T. B. and Heck, H. d' A. : Differentiation between metabolic incorporation and covalent binding in the labelling of macromolecules in the rat nasal mucosa and bone marrow by inhaled [ $^{14}C$ ]- and [ $^{3}$ H] formaldehyde. Toxic. Appl. Pharmac., 76, 26, 1984 

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