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기후변화에 대한 생태계 적응전략
Environmental Implications of an Increasingly Erratic Climate 원문보기

한국농림기상학회지 = Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, v.8 no.1, 2006년, pp.22 - 27  

에스 엘윈 테일러 (미국 아이오와주립대 농학과)


최근 수십년간 관측자료에 의하면 기후는 여러 측면에서 눈에 띄게 달라졌다. 이제는 관측이래 최고기온 혹은 최대강수량이란 단어가 그렇게 낯설지않은 시대가 되었고 앞으로의 변화와 그 여파에 더욱 긴장하며 살고 있다. 하지만 기후변화와 그 영향을 조금만 잘 이해하면 생태, 사회, 경제적 영향 가운데 우리가 충분히 받아들일 수 있는 부분도 상당하다. 식물과 자연생태계는 기후변화에 적응할 수 있는 다양한 방법을 이미 우리에게 보여주었다. 지구온난화에 의해 우리의 기후는 더욱 예측불허의 혼란에 빠질 것으로 보인다. 이 논문을 통해 역사적인 기후이변사례와 식물의 적응전략을 찾아보며, 인류가 기후변화를 극복하고 생태계를 유지하기 위해 보여주었거나 혹은 그렇지 못했던 사례에 대해 설명한다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Many aspects of climate have been observed to be increasingly volatile during the past several decades. Episodic climate change is not considered to be uncommon. However, there are substantial environmental, social, and economic impacts associated with climate variability that can be managed if the ...


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가설 설정

  • " There is no question that an understanding of the impacts and biological response to a changing climate is essential. The question is: Will we utilize understanding and our knowledge of natural adaptations to mitigate the adverse environmental, social and economic impacts associated with a changing climate?
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참고문헌 (24)

  1. Benner, S., 1881: Benner's Prophecies of Future Ups and Downs in Prices (3rd edition). Cincinnati: Robert Clarke and Co. (1st edition is reported to be 1871, 2rd as 1875) 

  2. Benson, L., E. A. Phillips, and P. A. Wilder, 1967: Evolutionary sorting of characters in a hybrid swarm: I. Direction of slope. American Journal of Botany 59,1017-1026 

  3. Carlson, R. E., 2005: Climodat. http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/index.phtml 

  4. Carlson; R. E., D. P. Todey, and S. E. Taylor, 1996: Midwestern corn yield and weather in relation to extremes of the Southern Oscillation. Journal of Production Agriculture 9, 347-352 

  5. Davis, J. M., and S. E. Taylor, 1980: Leaf physiognomy and climate: A multivariate analysis..Quarternary Research 14, 337-348 

  6. Damon, P. E., 2001: International solar cycle studies 2001Solar variability, climate, and space weather. Abstracts of the ISCS, NOAA Conference, Longmont, Colorado 

  7. Duvick, D. N., and T. J. Blasing, 1983: lowa's oldest oaks. Proceedings of Iowa Academy of Science 90, 32-34 

  8. Friis-Christensen, E., and K. Lassen, 1991: Science 254, 698-700 

  9. Hansen, J. E., 2004: http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/2004/ 

  10. Kerby, T. A., and D. R. Buxton, 1978: Effect of leaf shape and plant population on rate of fiuiting position appearance in cotton. Agronomy Journal 70, 535-538 

  11. Meier, W., 2005: http://nsidc.org/seaice/ 

  12. NASA, 2006: http://www.sunearthday.nasa.gov/2006/locations/ galileo.php 

  13. NOAA, 2006: http://www.elnino.noaa.gov/ 

  14. Perry, C. A., 1995: Association between solar-irradiance variations and hydroclimatology of selected regions of the USA. Proceedings of the 6th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, 19-23 June, 1995, Galway, Ireland 

  15. Raunkiaer, C., 1934: The Life Forms of Plants and Plant Geography. Oxford Univ. Press 

  16. Schweitzer P. N., and R. S. Thompson, 1996: http:// geochange.er.usgs.gov/pub/sea_level/ 

  17. Stahle, D. W., M. K. Cleaveland, D. B. Blanton, M. D. Therrell, and D. A. Gay, 1998: The lost colony and Jamestown droughts. Science 280, 564-567 

  18. Taylor, S. E., 1969: The redbud, adaptation for survival. Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin, LVII, No.4, 8-10 

  19. Taylor, S. E., 1975: Optimal leaf form. In D. M. Gates (ed.) Perspectives of Biophysical Ecology. Springer-Verlag New York Inc. 73-86 

  20. Taylor, S. E., and O. J. Sexton, 1972: Some implications of leaf tearing in Musaceae. Ecology 53(1), 143-149 

  21. Thompson, L. M., 1986: Climatic change, weather variability, and corn production. Agronomy Journal 78, 649-653 

  22. Thompson, L. M., 1988: Effects of changes in climate and weather variability on the yield of corn and soybean. Journal of Production Agriculture 1, 20-27 

  23. USDA, 2005: http://www.nass.usda.gov 

  24. Yun, J. I., and S. E. Taylor, 1986. Adaptive implications of leaf thickness for sun- and shade-grown Abutilon theophrasti. Ecology 67(5), 1314-1318 

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