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퍼팅 그린의 한지형 잔디에 많은 문제가 되고 있는 동전마름병은 Sclerotinia homeocarpa에 의해 발생한다. 본 연구에서는 미생물 제제를 이용한 생물학적 방제법을 통하여 동전마름병을 방제하고자 전국의 골프장과 산, 밭 토양에서 길항 미생물을 분리하였다. 길항 미생물은 동전마름병의 병원균인 S. homeocarpa에 대한 항균활성균사 생장 억제력, 배양성 등을 고려하여 선발하였고, 폿트와 퍼팅 그린의 예비 묘포지에서의 생물 검정 실험을 통하여 효력을 검정하였다. 선발된 미생물은 Bacillus subtilis EW42-1과 Trichoderma harzianum GBF-0208이었고, 생물 검정 실험 결과 화학 농약 대조구인 터부코나졸 유제와 대비하여 높은 방제 효과를 보였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Dollar spot caused by Sclerotinia homeocarpa is one of major diseases in putting greens. Microorganisms antagonistic to S. homeocarpa, a pathogen of dollar spot, were primarily screened through in vitro tests, including dual culture method and triple layer agar diffusion method. In vivo tests were a...


참고문헌 (14)

  1. 심규열, 민규영, 신현동, 이현주. 2000. 한국 골프장에서 Sclerotinia homeocarpa에 의한 잔디동전마름병의 발생. 한국잔디학회지. 14: 241-250 

  2. 박규진, 김영호, 박은경, 김동성. 1995. 미생물제에 의한 잔디의 토양전염병 방제 효과. 한국식물병리학회지. 1(1): 19-29 

  3. Baker, R. 1968. Mechanism of biological control of soil-borne pathogens. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 6: 263-294 

  4. Burpee, L.L., and L.G. Goulty. 1986. Influence of foliar applied nitrogen on the severity of dollar spot. The Greenmaster. 22(8): 19 

  5. Couch, H.B., and J.R. Bloom. 1960. Influence of soil moisture stresses on the development of the root knot nematode. Pythopathol. 50: 319-321 

  6. Elliston, J.E. 1982. Hypovirulence. pp. 1-33. In:? Advances in Plant Pathology. Vol. 1. D.S. Ingram and P.H. Williams, eds. Academic Press. London 

  7. Hodges, C.F., D.A. Campbell, and N. Christians. 1993. Evaluation of?Streptomyces for biocontrol of Bipolaris sorokiniana and Sclerotinia homeocarpa? on the phylloplane of Poa Pratensis. J. Phytopathol. 139: 103-109 

  8. Lo, C.T, E.B. Nelson, and G.E. Harman. 1996. Biological control of turfgrass diseases with a rhizosphere conpetent strain of Trichoderma harzianum. Plant Dis. 80: 736-741 

  9. Lo, C.T., E.B. Nelson, and G.E. Harman. 1997. Improved biocontrol efficacy of??? Trichoderma harzianum 1295-22 for foliar phases of turf diseases by use of spray applications. Plant Dis. 31: 1132-1138 

  10. Massie, L.B., H. Cole. Jr., and J. Duitch. 1968. Pathogen variation in relation to disease severity and control of Sclerotinia dollar spot of turfgrass by fungicides. Phytopathol. 58: 1616-1619 

  11. Slininger, P.J., and R. W. Behle, M.A. Jackson, and D.A. Schisler. 2003. Discovery and development of biological agents to control crop pests. Neotropical Entomology. 32(2): 183-195 

  12. Smiley, R.W., P.H. Dernoeden, and B.B. Clarke. 1992. Compendium of turfgrass diseases. 2nd ed. The American Phytopathological Society. St. Paul, MN 

  13. Vargas, J.M. 1981. Management of Turfgrass Diseases. Burgess Pubishing, Co., Minneapolis, MN 

  14. Zhou, T. and G.J. Boland. 1998. Suppression of dollar spot by hypovirulent isolates of Sclerotinia homeocara. Phyopathol. 88: 788-794 

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