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추출 용매와 분석 기법에 따른 된장의 유리아미노산 비교
Comparison of Free Amino Acids in Soybean Paste (Doenjang) by Different Extraction Solvents and Analytical Methods 원문보기

한국식품조리과학회지 = Korean Journal of Food & Cookery Science, v.23 no.1, 2007년, pp.150 - 155  

강옥주 (경남대학교 식품영양학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This work was conducted to obtain a rapid, accurate, and precise procedure for free amino acids analysis in Doenjang with HPLC-OPA (high performance liquid chromatography using-phthalaldehyde) and AAA (automatic amino acid analyzer) methods. Different sample extraction procedures among water, 0.1 M ...


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문제 정의

  • 노산 함량을 분석하였다. 또한, 유리아미 노산 분석 시 지방, 당, 염에 의한 간섭 정도를 파악하여 식품별 유리아미 노산 분석 의 신속성 과 정 확성 을 규명하고자 하였다.
  • 이에 본 연구에서는 우리의 전통 식품인 된장을시 료로 유리아미 노산의 정확한 분석을 위해 추출 용매별로 HPLC-OPA와 아미노산 자동 분석기로 유리아미 노산 함량을 분석하였다. 또한, 유리아미 노산 분석 시 지방, 당, 염에 의한 간섭 정도를 파악하여 식품별 유리아미 노산 분석 의 신속성 과 정 확성 을 규명하고자 하였다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (17)

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  4. Bidlingmeyer BA, Cohen SA, Tarvin TL, Frost B. 1987. A new, rapid, high-sensitivity analysis of amino acids in food type samples. J Assoc of Official AnaChem 70(2): 241-247 

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  6. Bruckner H, Westhauser T. 2003. Chromatographic determination of L- and D-amino acids in plants. Amino Acids 24(1-2): 43-55 

  7. Cheigh HS, Park KS, Moon GP, Park KY. 1990. Antioxidative characteristics of fermented soybean paste and its extracts on the lipid oxidation. J Korean Soc Food Nutr 19(2): 163-167 

  8. Fabiani A, Versari A, Parpinello M. 2002. High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of free amino acids in fruit juices using derivatization with 9-fluorenylmethyl- chloroformate. J Chromatogr Sci 40(1): 14-18 

  9. Gonzalez-Castro MJ, Lopez-Hernandez J, Simal-Lozano J, Oruna-Concha MJ. 1997. Determination of amino acids in green beans by derivatization with phenylisothiocianate and high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection. J Chromatogr Sci 35(4): 181-185 

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  12. Karin Gartenmann, Sunil Kochhar. 1999. Short-chain peptide analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometer after derivatization with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate. J Agric Food Chem 47(12): 5068-5071 

  13. Kim MJ, Rhee HS. 1993. Studies on changes of taste compounds during soy paste fermentation (II). Korean J Soc Food 9: 257-260 

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  15. Park JS, Lee MY, Kim JS, Lee TS. 1994. Compositions of nitrogen compound and amino acid in soybean paste (Doenjang) prepared with different microbial sources. Korean Food Sci Technol 26: 609-615 

  16. Park SK, Seo KI, Choi SH, Moon JS, Lee YH. 2000. Quality assessment of commercial Doenjang prepared by traditional method. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 29(2): 211-217 

  17. Shin SY, Kim YB, Yu TJ. 1985. Flavor improvement of soybean pastes by the addition of Bacillus iicheniformis and Saccaromyces rouxii. Korean J Food Sci Technol 17: 8-14 

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