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모터구동 Flexible Wedge형 게이트밸브의 밸브 성능인자 Bounding Value에 대한 연구
A Study on the Bounding Value of Valve Performance Parameters for Motor Operated Flexible Wedge Gate Valve 원문보기

유체기계저널 = Journal of fluid machinery, v.10 no.5 = no.44, 2007년, pp.46 - 53  

김대웅 (한국 전력연구원) ,  유성연 (충남대학교 BK21 메카트로닉스사업단) ,  박성근 (한국 전력연구원) ,  이도환 (한국 전력연구원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Stem friction coefficient and valve factor are very important parameters for the evaluation of valve performance. In this study, the characteristics of stem friction coefficient and valve factor are analyzed, and thor bounding value is determined. The hydraulic testing is performed for many flexible...


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문제 정의

  • 본 연구에서는 모터구동 플렉시블 웨지형 게이트 밸브의 성능에 가장 큰 영향을 주는 밸브 성능인자인 스템마찰계수와 밸브팩터의 특성 분석과 Bounding value를 결정하는 연구를 수행하였다. 연구방법은 각각 다른 유체 차압조건에서 플렉시블 웨지형 게이트밸브의 열림 및 닫힘 동작시험을 수행하고 그 결과 분석을 통하여 각 성능 인자들을 도출한후 통계적 분석을 수행하여 bounding value를 결정하였다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (10)

  1. U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission., 1989, 'Generic Letter 89-10 Safety-Related Motor Operated Valve Testing and Surveillance 

  2. EPRI, 1990, 'Application Guide for Motor Operated Valves in Nuclear Power Plants,' EPRI-NP-6660D, pp. 1-1-11 

  3. Kalsi, M. S., Alvarez, P. D., Wang, J.K., Somogyi, D., 1996, 'An Improved Gate Valve for Critical Applications in Nuclear Power Plants,' Fourth NRC/ASME Symposium on Valve and Pump Testing, pp. 1B-55-56 

  4. KINS, 2004, 'Development of Regulatory Techniques for Operational Performance Evaluation of Nuclear Power Plants,' pp. 157-180 

  5. Chai. J. B., Kang, S. C., Park, S. G., 2004, 'Condition Monitoring of a Motor-Operated Valve Using Estimated Motor Torque,' JSME International Journal, pp. 305-313 

  6. Kim, D. W., Yoo, S. Y., 2007, 'Effects of Differential Pressure on the Performance of Motor Operated Flexible Wedge Gate Valve,' KSME Journal B, pp. 151-158, 2007 

  7. Guerout, F. M., Pitard-Bouet, J.M., Christophe Jouve, 2000, 'Selection of Greases for Motor-Operated Valve Stem/Stem Nut Lubrication,' Sixth NRC/ASME Symposium on Valve and Pump Testing, pp. 2B-52-53 

  8. CRANE Inc., 1998, 'Universial Diagnostic System MOV Data Acquisition Software User's Manual,' pp. 1-3-10 

  9. Garza, Ivo A., 1996, 'Evaluation of Existing EPRI and INEEL Test Data to Determine the Worm-to-Worn Gear Coefficient of Friction in Limitorque Actuators,' Fourth NRC/ASME Symposium on Valve and Pump Testing, pp.1B-36-39 

  10. Ronald H. D., 1992, 'Measurement Uncertainty Methods and Applications,' Instrument Society of America 

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