본 연구자들은 동${\cdot}$서양에서 오랫동안 민간요법으로 사용되어져 왔고, 문헌에도 약리적인 작용이 기록되어 있는 Opuntia ficus-indica var. Saboten Makino (손바닥 선인장, 백년초) 줄기 분말을 사용하여 항균생리활성 물질을 규명하고자 하였다. 줄기 분말을 황산으로 가수분해 처리한 후 메탄올, 메틸클로라이드, 에탄올 등의 용매로 추출하였다. 용매추출물 가운데 methylene chloride 추출물의 경우 가장 탁월한 항균활성을 나타내었다. 항균활성을 나타내는 생리활성 물질을 분리 분석하기 위하여 조제용 TLC를 이용하여 산 가수분해 추출물로부터 7개의 분획물을 분리하였다. 7개 분획물 가운데 가장 광범위한 항균활성을 나타내는 유효 분획물로 분리된 것을 MBT-01108이라 명명하였다. 산가수분해로 추출된 분획물 MBT-01108을 구조 분석한 결과 항균 활성을 나타내는 화합물이 levulinic acid임을 밝혀냈다. Opuntia ficus-indica var. Saboten Makino로부터 분리된 levulinic acid는 식품 또는 화장품의 천연 보존제로써 사용가능하리라 판단되며, 또한, 세균성 질병예방, 여드름, 노화 예방, 미백 화장품 성분, 그리고 항생제로도 사용 가능한 물질임을 밝혀냈다.
본 연구자들은 동${\cdot}$서양에서 오랫동안 민간요법으로 사용되어져 왔고, 문헌에도 약리적인 작용이 기록되어 있는 Opuntia ficus-indica var. Saboten Makino (손바닥 선인장, 백년초) 줄기 분말을 사용하여 항균생리활성 물질을 규명하고자 하였다. 줄기 분말을 황산으로 가수분해 처리한 후 메탄올, 메틸클로라이드, 에탄올 등의 용매로 추출하였다. 용매추출물 가운데 methylene chloride 추출물의 경우 가장 탁월한 항균활성을 나타내었다. 항균활성을 나타내는 생리활성 물질을 분리 분석하기 위하여 조제용 TLC를 이용하여 산 가수분해 추출물로부터 7개의 분획물을 분리하였다. 7개 분획물 가운데 가장 광범위한 항균활성을 나타내는 유효 분획물로 분리된 것을 MBT-01108이라 명명하였다. 산가수분해로 추출된 분획물 MBT-01108을 구조 분석한 결과 항균 활성을 나타내는 화합물이 levulinic acid임을 밝혀냈다. Opuntia ficus-indica var. Saboten Makino로부터 분리된 levulinic acid는 식품 또는 화장품의 천연 보존제로써 사용가능하리라 판단되며, 또한, 세균성 질병예방, 여드름, 노화 예방, 미백 화장품 성분, 그리고 항생제로도 사용 가능한 물질임을 밝혀냈다.
In order to discover physiologically active substance, we investigated a powder obtained by processing of Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten Makino trunk. The powder was treated by sulfuric acid and then extracted by several solvents such as methanol, methylene chloride, ethanol etc. Among them, the ...
In order to discover physiologically active substance, we investigated a powder obtained by processing of Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten Makino trunk. The powder was treated by sulfuric acid and then extracted by several solvents such as methanol, methylene chloride, ethanol etc. Among them, the best antimicrobial activity was showed by methylene chloride extract. To identify materials exhibiting physiological activation, the acid hydrolyzed extract was separated by 7 fractions through preparative silica gel TLC. The effective fraction exhibiting the best broad antimicrobial activity was identified, named as MBT-01108. From structural analysis of the products extracted to acid hydrolysis, a compound exhibiting the antimicrobial activities is identified to levulinic acid. Levulinic acid isolated from Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten Makino may be applicable as a natural preservative of food or cosmetic and for prevention of bacterial diseases, an ingredient of acne, ageing and whitening cosmetics and an antimicrobial agent.
In order to discover physiologically active substance, we investigated a powder obtained by processing of Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten Makino trunk. The powder was treated by sulfuric acid and then extracted by several solvents such as methanol, methylene chloride, ethanol etc. Among them, the best antimicrobial activity was showed by methylene chloride extract. To identify materials exhibiting physiological activation, the acid hydrolyzed extract was separated by 7 fractions through preparative silica gel TLC. The effective fraction exhibiting the best broad antimicrobial activity was identified, named as MBT-01108. From structural analysis of the products extracted to acid hydrolysis, a compound exhibiting the antimicrobial activities is identified to levulinic acid. Levulinic acid isolated from Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten Makino may be applicable as a natural preservative of food or cosmetic and for prevention of bacterial diseases, an ingredient of acne, ageing and whitening cosmetics and an antimicrobial agent.
* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.
가설 설정
of clear zone were measured. 2) Final cell concentration for each bacterium was adjusted by approximately 1 x 107 CFU/ml.
제안 방법
In order to determine the structure of compound in the separated TLC-fraction, ^-Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-NMR) and Infrared absorption spectroscopy (IR-spectra) were performed with the use of Varian Gemini 500 spectrophotometer and Matton IR-1040E spectrophotometer, respectively. ]H-NMR spectra were recorded on CDCI3 solution unless otherwise specified and chemical shifts are reported in parts per milion (ppm) relative to residual CHCI3 at 7.
Two of seven fractions (MBT-01108 and -01109) were isolated as major ones and other five compounds as minors through silica gel chromatography. In order to identify one of two major compounds (MBT-01108), we analyze structures with 1H-NMR and IR-spectra through direct comparison of the isolated products with commercially available authentic samples (Fig. 3). The results of ' H-NMR revealed that a methyl peak was showed by a singlet at 2.
Anti-microbial activities of compounds in various factions prepared in this study was dbermined by minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC). Each serially diluted (3 fold dilution in appropriate media) compounds were added in each well on 96-well plates.
대상 데이터
The cactus powder prepared from Opuntia trunk as a form of freeze-dried was purchased from PuJqeju Agricultural Development and Technology Extension center (Jeju-Do, Korea).
Anti-microbial aaivities of compounds in various fractions were observed by paper disc plate method. The 100 u 1 precultured broths were put on fresh media and smeared by grass rod.
3). The results of ' H-NMR revealed that a methyl peak was showed by a singlet at 2.11 ppm, a methylene peak neighboring at carboxyl group was exhibited by a triplet at 2.52 ppm (J8.8 Hz), a mhylene peak neighboring at carbonyl group was showed by a triplet at 2.68 ppm (J=8.8 Hz). A singlet carboxyl proton was observed at 1 1.
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