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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The freezing patterns of commercial frozen foods were characterized by using proton nuclear magnetic resonance ($^1H$ NMR) relaxometry and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The liquid-like components like unfrozen water were investigated as a function of temperature (10 to $-4...


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제안 방법

  • In this study, 4 typical commercial frozen foods (regular and low fat ice creams, frozen bread dough, frozen baked bread) were selected and their freezing behaviors were measured by H NMR and DSC in terms of unfrozen phase (liquid-like component). Then, the NMR and DSC responses were correlated each other.


  • purchased at a local store. Their water contents were measured by using an oven drying method (9). The contents (%) of moisture, carbohydrate, protein, and fat in each sample are presented in Table 1.
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참고문헌 (16)

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  4. Goff HD. Low-temperature stability and the glassy state in frozen foods. Food Res. Int. 25: 317-325 (1992) 

  5. Auh J-H, Kim Y-R, Cornillon P, Yoon J, Yoo S-H, Park K-H. Cryoprotection of protein by highly concentrated branched oligosaccharides. Int. J. Food Sci. Tech. 38: 553-563 (2003) 

  6. Kim Y-R, Cornillon P. Effects of temperature and mixing time on molecular mobility in wheat dough. Lebensm.-Wiss. Technol. 34: 417-423 (2001) 

  7. Kou Y, Molitor PF, Schmidt SJ. Mobility and stability characterization of model food systems using NMR, DSC, and conidia germination techniques. J. Food Sci. 64: 950-959 (1999) 

  8. Lee S, Cornillon P, Kim Y-R. Spatial investigation of the non-frozen water distribution in frozen foods using NMR SPRITE. J. Food Sci. 67: 2251-2255 (2002) 

  9. AACC. Approved Methods of the AACC. 9th ed. Method 44-15A. American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, USA (1995) 

  10. Kim Y-R, Yoo B-S, Cornillon P, Lim S-T. Effect of sugars and sugar alcohols on freezing behavior of corn starch gel as monitored by time domain H-1 NMR spectroscopy. Carbohyd. Polym. 55: 27-36 (2004) 

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  12. Kerr WL, Kauten RJ, McCarthy MJ, Reid DS. Monitoring the formation of ice during food freezing by magnetic resonance imaging. Lebensm.-Wiss. Technol. 31: 215-220 (1998) 

  13. Harz H-P, Weisser H, Liebenspacher F. Frozen food by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. pp. 129-135. In: Technical Innovations in Freezing and Refrigeration of Fruits and Vegetables. Meeting of Commissions C2, D1, D2/3 of I.I.R. 9.-12. Juli. Davis, CA, USA (1989) 

  14. Roos Y. Phase Transition in Foods. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, USA. pp. 99-103 (1995) 

  15. Levine H, Slade L. Principles of cryostabilization technology from structure property relationships of carbohydrate water-systems-A review. Cryo-Lett. 9: 21-63 (1988) 

  16. Roos YH, Karel M, Kokini JL. Glass transitions in low-moisture and frozen foods: Effects on shelf life and quality. Food Technol. -Chicago 50: 95-108 (1996) 

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