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허브 추출물에 따른 매작과의 품질 특성
Quality Characteristics of Maejakgwa with Added Herb Extracts 원문보기

한국식품영양학회지 = The Korean journal of food and nutrition, v.21 no.3, 2008년, pp.312 - 319  

김경숙 (경상대학교 가정교육과.교육연구원) ,  최선영 (경상대학교 가정교육과.교육연구원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The principal objective of was to assess the effects of herb extracts on the antioxidant activity and quality characteristics of Maejakgwa. The total phenolic and flavonoid contents were found to be the highest by a significant degree in the rosemary, lavender, thyme, lemon balm and olive samples, i...


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문제 정의

  • 따라서 본 연구에서는 허브의 활용도와 전통한과인 매작과의 품질 개선을 위하여 허브의 항산화 활성과 허브를 첨가한 매작과의 관능적인 품질 특성을 측정함으로써 실제 식품에의 이용 가능성을 알아보고 학문적인 영역을 넓히는 기초자료로 마련하고자 한다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (26)

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  4. 조태동, 송진희. 허브이야기, pp.6-61. 살림출판사. 파주. 한국. 2005 

  5. Kim, SN. Effects of addition of green tea powder and Angelica keiskei powder on the quality characteristics of Yukwa. MS. Thesis, Chungbuk Uni., Cheongju. 2000 

  6. Park, ID and Chung, DO. Studies on the physiological and sensory properties of herb bread. Kor. J. Soc. Food Cookery Sci. 19:539-545. 2003 

  7. Lee, SJ. Quality characteristics according to preparatory and storage conditions of spice-added beef jerky addition to the kinds of spices during storage. MS. Thesis, Catholic Uni., Daegu. 2003 

  8. Lee, JH. Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of chocolate layer cake using rosemary power. MS. Thesis, Yong-in Uni., Yongin. 2004 

  9. Oh, SH, Kim, JH, Lee, JW, Lee, YS, Park, KS, Kim, JG, Lee, HK and Byun, MW. Effects of combined treatment of gamma irradiation and addition of rosemary extract power on ready -to- Eat- hamburger steaks: I. Microbiolgical quality and shelf-life. J. Kor. Soc. Food Nutr. 33:687-693. 2004 

  10. An, LH. Effect of spices and green tea on the quality of yukwongen. MS. Thesis, Gyeongsang Uni., Jinju. 2007 

  11. Lee, YS. Evaluation of the quality characteristics of hardboiled mackerel prepared with herb sauce and its acceptability in school food service. MS. Thesis, Chonbuk Uni., Jeonju. 2008 

  12. Morimitsu, Y, Morioka, Y and Kawakshi, S. Inhibitors of platelet aggregation generated from mixture of allinum species and/or S-alk(en)yl-L-cystein sulfoxides. J. Agric. Food Chem. 40:368-372. 1992 

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  17. Lee, SO, Lee, HJ, Yu, MH, Im, HG and Lee, IS. Total polyghenol contents and antioxidant activities of methanol extracts from vegetables produced in Ullunng Island. Kor. J. Food. Sci. Technol. 37:233-240. 2005 

  18. Chang, JH. Antioxidant activities and antiproliferative effects of various natural herb extracts. MS. Thesis, Seoul Uni., Seoul. 2006 

  19. Lee, HS. Investigation of functional properties of herbs by far-infrared. MS. Thesis, Kangwon Uni., Chuncheon. 2008 

  20. Nam, EK. Chemical components and antioxidative activities of Erigeron annuus L. MS. Thesis, Gyeongsang Uni., Jinju. 2005 

  21. Chung, HJ and Noh, KL. Screening of electron donating ability, antibacterial activity and nitrite scavenging effect of some herbal extracts. Kor. J. Food Cookery Sci. 16:372-377. 2000 

  22. Choi, HR. Antiicrobial and antioxidative activities of foreign and domestic herbs. MS. Thesis, Seoul Women's Uni., Seoul. 2001 

  23. Park, ID and Chung, KO. Studies on the physiological and sensory properties of herb bread. Kor. J. Food Cookery Sci. 19:539-545. 2003 

  24. Oh, HS. Effercts of olive leaf powder and extract on quality characteristics of Seolgi-ddeok. MS. Thesis, Seoul Women's Uni., Seoul. 2007 

  25. Kim, HD and Jeong, MS. The foretasting experience of herbs and the sensory characteristics of cookies with rosemary and mints. Kor. J. Culinary Research. 12:222-235. 2006 

  26. Kang, SH. Quality characteristics of Jeungpyun added with rosemary powder and optimum thawing condition of frozen rosemary Jeungpyun. MS. Thesis, Kyung Hee Uni., Seoul. 2004 

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