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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The zebra shark Stegostoma fasciatum which had been reared in the commercial aquaria was found dead and submitted for postmortem examination. A pure bacterial culture was isolated from pale and enlarged liver. The analysis of ureC and 16S rRNA genes confirmed the isolate as Photobacterium (P.) damse...


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제안 방법

  • A pure bacterial culture was isolated from pale and enlarged liver. The result of the bacterial identification yielded P. damselae and antibiotic susceptibility and hemolytic test were conducted. The pathogen was further characterized and confirmed using PCR method for 16S rRNA and ureC genes [13] to further differentiate into the P.
  • A Vitek System2 test (bioMerieux, France) was used for the purpose of characterizing the isolate. The test was inoculated with the pure isolate and read as described by the identification kit and allowed to incubate overnight for automated reading of the reactions. The isolate was compared to teonomical analysis according to Bergeye Manual for Determinative Bacterioloe7 [3].
  • damselae 야]bsp. damselae from pure culture, the PCR method and primers used in this study was adapted with slight modification as previously described [13]. A 20 μ 1 PCR reaction mixtures containing DNA template, a lOpmol of each primer (Bioneer, USA) and AccuPower PCR Premix (Bioneer, USA).

대상 데이터

  • The zebra shark which had been reared and confined in the private commercial aquarium in Seoul, Korea for indoor exhibition was found dead and submitted to the College of Vet아*inary Medicine, Seoul National University for diagnostic examination. A pure bacterial culture was isolated from pale and enlarged liver.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (14)

  1. Austin B, Austin DA. Vibrionaceae representatives. In:Laird LM (ed.). Bacterial Fish Pathogens. 3rd ed. pp.265-294, Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1993 

  2. Balebona MC, Andreu MJ, Bordas MA, Zorrilla I,Morinigo MA, Borrego JJ. Pathogenicity of Vibrioalginolyticus for cultured gilt-head sea bream (Sparusaurata L.). Appl Environ Microbiol 1998, 64, 4269-4275 

  3. Bergey DH, Holt JG. Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. 9th ed. pp. 192-194, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1994 

  4. Clarridge JE, Zighelboim-Daum S. Isolation andcharacterization of two hemolytic phenotypes of Vibriodamsela associated with a fatal wound infection. J ClinMicrobiol 1985, 21, 302-306 

  5. Dudgeon CL, Feldheim K, Schick M, Ovenden JR.Polymorphic microsatellite loci for the zebra sharkStegostoma fasciatum. Mol Ecol Notes 2006, 6, 1086-1088 

  6. Fouz B, Larsen JL, Nielsen B, Barja JL, ToranzoAE. Characterization of Vibrio damsela strains isolatedfrom turbot Scophthalmus maximus in Spain. Dis Aquat Organ 1992, 12, 155-166 

  7. Fouz B, Toranzo AE, Marco-Noales E, Amaro C.Survival of fish-virulent strains of Photobacteriumdamselae subsp. damselae: in seawater under starvationconditions. FEMS Microbiol Lett 1998, 168, 181-186 

  8. Fouz B, Toranzo AE, Milan M, Amaro C. Evidencethat water transmits the disease caused by the fishpathogen Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae. JAppl Microbiol 2000, 88, 531-535 

  9. Gauthier G, Lafay B, Ruimy R, Breittmayer V,Nicolas JL, Gauthier M, Christen R. Small-subunitrRNA sequences and whole DNA relatedness concurfor the reassignment of Pasteurella piscicida (Snieszkoet al.) Janssen and Surgalla to the genus Photobacteriumas Photobacterium damsela subsp. piscicidacomb. nov. Int J Syst Bacteriol 1995, 45, 139-144 

  10. Kothary MH, Kreger AS. Purification and characterizationof an extracellular cytolysin produced by Vibrio damsela. Infect Immun 1985, 49, 25-31 

  11. Love M, Teebken-Fisher D, Hose JE, Farmer JJ 3rd, Hickman FW, Fanning GR. Vibrio damsela, amarine bacterium, causes skin ulcers on the damselfishChromis punctipinnis. Science 1981, 214, 1139-1140 

  12. Magarinos B, Toranzo AE, Romalde JL. Phenotypicand pathobiological characteristics of Pasteurellapiscicida. Annu Rev Fish Dis 1996, 6, 41-64 

  13. Osorio CR, Toranzo AE, Romalde JL, Barja JL. Multiplex PCR assay for ureC and 16S rRNA genesclearly discriminates between both subspecies of Photobacterium damselae. Dis Aquat Organ 2000, 40,177-183 

  14. Smith SK, Sutton DC, Fuerst JA, Reichelt JL.Evaluation of the genus Listonella and reassignment ofListonella damsela (Love et al.) MacDonell andColwell to the genus Photobacterium as Photobacteriumdamsela comb. nov. with an emendeddescription. Int J Syst Bacteriol 1991, 41, 529-534 

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