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다문화가정 이주여성의 임신과 출산 건강관리 실태
A Survey on Health Management of during Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Postpartum of Immigrant Women in a Multi-cultural Family 원문보기

여성건강간호학회지 = Korean journal of women health nursing, v.15 no.4, 2009년, pp.261 - 269  

정금희 (한림대학교 간호학부) ,  고효정 (계명대학교 간호대학) ,  김계숙 (안산1대학 간호과) ,  김선희 (이화여자대학교 간호과학부) ,  김진향 (안산1대학 간호과) ,  박혜숙 (가톨릭상지대학 간호과) ,  이영숙 (전남대학교 간호대학) ,  한영란 (동국대학교 간호학과) ,  김경원 (대구한의대학교 간호학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate health management state during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum of immigrant women. Methods: A descriptive research design was employed. Data were collected from 182 immigrant women who lived in four provinces and D city. Subjects were compl...


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문제 정의

  • 그러므로 다문화가정 이주여성들의 임신과 출산관련 건강실태에 대한 조사연구를 통해 이주여성의 임신과 출산건강에 효과적 인 간호중재와 그에 따른 정책방안을 수립하고자 하며, 이에 따른 기초자료로 제공하고자 한다.
  • 본 연구는 다문화가정 이주여성의 의료서비스 이용과 임신과 출산관련 건강관리 실태를 파악하기 위한 서술적 조사 연구이다.
  • 본 연구의 목적은 다문화가정 이주여성의 의료서비스 이용과 임신과 출산 관련 건강관리 실태를 확인하는 것이다. 본 연구의 구체적인 목적은 다음과 같다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (21)

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  6. Heo, P. H. (2007). Quality of life married women who lived in Cheonan from abroad. Unpublished master's thesis. Dankook University, Cheonan. 

  7. Kim, B. R. (2007). The present situation of the international marriage immigration and the adaptation of inter-nationally married women immigrants in Korean society. Unpublished master's thesis. Sogang University, Seoul. 

  8. Kim, H. R., Hwang, N. M., Chang, I. S., Yoon, K. J., & Kang, B. J. (2008). The reproductive health and policy subject in the international foreign wives. Seoul: Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs. 

  9. Kim, M. Y., & Koh, H. J. (2008). A study about intermarriage foreign wives' prenatal education needs, health belief and prenatal care compliance. Keimyung J Nurs Sci, 12(1), 83-96. 

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  13. Lee, S. S., Park, J. S., Kim, P. S., & Kim, H. S. (2007). A survey on marriage and delivery and policy direction in international marriage family. Seoul: The Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs. 

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  15. Murray, S. S., & McKinney, E. S. (2006). Foundation of maternalnewborn nursing (4th ed). NY: Saunders. 

  16. Park, J. H., & Chung, J. K. (2007). Acculturation and identity of immigrant wives of international marriage in Korea. Korean JWoman Psychol, 12(4), 395-432. 

  17. Seol, D. H., Kim, H. S., Yoon, H. S., Lee, H. K., Yirn, K. T., Chung, K. S., Ju, Y. S., & Han, G. S. (2005), Foreign wives' life in Korea: Focusing on the policy of welfare and health. Seoul: Ministry of Health and Welfare. 

  18. Small, R., Lumley, J., & Yelland, J. (2003). Cross-cultural experiences of matemal depression: Associations and contributing factors for Vietnamese, Turkish and Filipino immigrant women in Victoria, Australia. Lthnicity & Health, 8(3), 189-206. 

  19. Yang, A. K., Lee, S. J., Choi, H S., Kim, S. W., & Jung, H. (2007). A study on a community acceptance of immigrant women. Seoul: Korean Women's Development Institute. 

  20. Yang, S. M. (2006). Adjustment and an aspect of family life of the rural international marriage couple-focusing on the Chinese (Korea tribe), Japanese, and Philippine immigrant woman and their's husbcmd. J Rural Community, 6(2),151-179. 

  21. Yoon, H. S. (2004). Conflicts and adjustments of foreign wives married to Korean men: Pillipina wives in rural Korea. J Loelll History Cult, 8(2), 299-339. 

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