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[국내논문] 중고령 주부를 고려한 김치냉장고 제어판의 사용자 인터페이스 디자인
User Interface Design of the Control Panel of Kimchi Refrigerator for the Older Women 원문보기

Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea = 大韓人間工學會誌, v.28 no.3, 2009년, pp.27 - 31  

박재희 (한경대학교 안전공학과) ,  이인석 (한경대학교 안전공학과) ,  박태주 (한경대학교 인간과학응용연구소) ,  최재현 ((주)U2 시스템)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

To evaluate the usability of a Kimchi refrigerator, we performed an evaluation test that consisted of an experiment and a post-hoc questionnaire survey. In this study, we focused on the older women who have less physical and cognitive ability than younger women. In physical usability, there was no s...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

문제 정의

  • In this study, we found the significant differences between the younger and the older people in cognitive usability. Although there was no difference in physical usability, it didn't mean that there was no problem of the Kimchi refrigerator.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (9)

  1. Hong, B., Park, S., Kim, I., Kim, S. W., Kim, C.-J. and Kwon, G. S., A factfindingsurveys on the oldster's visual environment. The proceedingsof Ergonomics Society of Korea, 2002. 

  2. Koppa, R. J., Jurmain, M. M. and Congleton, J. J., An ergonomics approachto refrigerator design for the elderly person. Applied Ergonomics,20(2), 123-130, 1989. 

  3. Korea Power Exchange, Survey on the number of home appliances in useand the electricity use pattern in residential houses. Korea PowerExchange, 2007. 

  4. Lee, I., Park, J. H. and Park, T., Survey of customer satisfaction of Kimchirefrigerators with focus on physical user interfaces. Journal of theErgonomics Society of Korea, 26(4), 113-120, 2007. 

  5. Park, J. H. and Jung, K. T. Validation test for using the computer-generated prototype in the usability test for the control-display panel of a refrigerator. Design study, 11(1), 237-244, 1998. 

  6. Park, J. H., Lee, I. and Park, T., Development of product evaluationtechnology by using a three-dimensional motion analysis system.Hankyong National University, 2006. 

  7. Sanders, M. and McCormick, E., Human factors In engineering and design.McGraw-Hill, 1997. 

  8. Song, B. H., Jung, K. T. and Yun, H. K., The universal design ofmicrowave oven considering old persons. Journal of the ErgonomicsSociety of Korea, 19(1), 37-48, 2000. 

  9. U2 Systems Inc., Evaluation of the optimal depth of Kimchi refrigeratorand the hand grip of container. U2 Systems Inc., 2006. 

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