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모델기반 예측 제어기를 이용한 차선유지 보조 시스템 개발
Development of a Model Based Predictive Controller for Lane Keeping Assistance System 원문보기

한국자동차공학회논문집 = Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, v.17 no.3, 2009년, pp.54 - 61  

황준연 (한양대학교 자동차공학과) ,  허건수 (한양대학교 자동차공학과) ,  나혁민 (만도 중앙연구소 전자선행팀) ,  정호기 (만도 중앙연구소 전자선행팀) ,  강형진 (만도 중앙연구소 전자선행팀) ,  윤팔주 (만도 중앙연구소 전자선행팀)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Lane keeping assistant system (LKAS) could save thousands of lives each year by maintaining lane position and is regarded as a promising active safety system. The LKAS is expected to reduce the driver workload and to assist the driver during driving. This paper proposes a model based predictive cont...


참고문헌 (10)

  1. S. Horiuchi and K. Sunada, "Synthesis of Driver Assistance System for Lane-Following Using Generalized Predictive Control," Proc. of AVEC'98, pp.467-472, 1998 

  2. J. KoSeck, R. Blasi, C. J. Taylor and J. Malik, "A Comparative Study of Vision-Based Lateral Control Strategies for Autonomous Highway Driving," Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE, International Conference on Robotics & Automation, pp.l903-1908, 1998 

  3. P. Leelavansuk, K. Shitamitsu, H. Mouri and M. Nagai, "Study on Cooperative Control of Driver and Lane-Keeping Assistance System," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control (AVEC), pp.219- 224,2002 

  4. J.P. Switkes and J.C. Gerdes, "An Energy Based Performance Baound for Lanekeeping Assistance with Force Feedback," Proceedings of AVEC '06, A VEC060096, 2006 

  5. M. Shimakage, S. Satoh, K. Uenuma and H. Mouri, "Design of Lane-keeping Control Withsteering Torque Input," JSAE Review, Vo1.23, pp.317-323,2002 

  6. M. Omae and H. Shimizu, "Comparison of Lane-keep Assists by using Steering Torque, Steering Angular Velocity and Steering Angle," Proceedings of AVEC '06, A VEC060024, 2006 

  7. J. Hwang, K. Huh, H. Na, H. Jung, H. Kang and P. Y oon, "Evaluation of Lane Keeping Assistance Controller in HIL Simulations," Proceedings ofIF AC'08, pp.9491-9496, 2008 

  8. R. Rajamani, Vehicle Dynamics and Control, Springer, 2006 

  9. P. Krauss, K. Dass and H. Rake, Model-based Predictive Controller with Kalman Fitering for State Estimation, Advanced in MBPC, Prentice Hall,1994 

  10. K. Huh, J. Park, D. Hong, D.D. Cho and J. Park, "Development of a Vision-based Lane Detection System Considering Configuration Aspects," Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vo1.41, No.ll, pp.l93-213, 2005 

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