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준분포형 모형인 SWAT 모형은 소유역내 수문학적 반응단위 별로 유출, 유사 등의 발생을 평가하는데 이때 Hydrological Response Unit (HRU)의 지형정보가 활용된다. 현재 SWAT 모형의 인터페이스 구조는, 각 소유역의 평균 지형인자 값이 각 소유역내의 모든 HRU의 지형정보로 사용된다. 그러므로 각 소유역내의 HRU에 있는 지형인자를 정확하게 추출하기 위해서는 수계를 자세하게 나누어야 하며, 이를 위해서 더욱 자세한 소유역 수계 인터페이스가 필요하다. 현재 SWAT 모형 인터페이스에서는 수계를 나눌 때 임계값의 최소값은 최대 flow accumulation 값의 0.1 %가 사용된다. 따라서 HRU의 지형인자를 추출하기 위해 아주 자세한 정도로 소유역의 수계를 나눈다는 것은 불가능하다. 본 연구에서는 사용자가 원하는 임계값과 농경지 경계를 근거하여 소유역 경계를 추가로 수계를 나눌 수 있는 Dual Watershed Delineation Module (DWDM) 을 개발하였다. 기존 SWAT의 수계추출 모듈로 유량을 모의한 결과 $27,219\;m^3$/month 가 산정되었고, DWDM 을 적용한 결과 $26,172\;m^3$/month 로 약 3.8 %의 미미한 차이가 생겼다. 하지만 유사의 경우 DWDM을 적용하기 전에는 0.779 ton/month, 적용 후에는 2.688 ton/month 로 약 245 %의 차이를 보였다. 즉 농경지를 추가적으로 수계를 나눌 때 유사의 가장 민감한 요소인 경사장을 실제지형에 맞게 고려함에 따라 좀 더 정확한 유사 산정을 할 수 있었다. 농경지에서의 정확한 수문 및 유사 평가 시 본 연구에서 개발한 모듈이 적용 되어야 한다고 사료된다.


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제안 방법

  • Future studies are needed. First, procedures of the DWDM should be modified for the full automation module. Secondly, the DWDM should be calibrated and validated with the measured data and conduct further tests for other catchments to minimize SWAT errors in performing realistic assessments.
  • Rather than simulating each of the subbasins in detail, the subbasins are lumped together. In this study, the DWDM was developed as both the solution to the errors of the SWAT model and for an increase in accuracy in a simulation. The factors of the simulated streamflow and the sediment were compared with the current watershed delineation module and DWDM according to the additional burning–and non-burning–of an agricultural field.
  • In this study, the DWDM was developed to complement limitations in the SWAT interface when delineating subwatersheds and streams networks. With the current automatic watershed delineation module in the SWAT model, it is not possible to reflect agricultural field boundaries in delineating water flow paths because watershed delineation was managed based on DEM, which is not that detail for agricultural field boundaries.
  • In this study, to overcome the aforementioned limitations of the SWAT model which form the stream nothing but using DEM, after making a shape file for real agricultural boundary through field survey or high resolution satellite image, it is inputted into “burn_in using agricultural field boundary” dialog box to analyze agricultural canals for additionally burning stream to estimate sediment and nutrient pollution from each parcel of an agricultural field accurately.
  • , 1998) is a continuous-time semi-distributed simulation watershed model. It was developed to predict the effects of alternative management decisions on water, sediment, and chemical yields with reasonable accuracy. One of its attractive features is that there is a long period modeling experience behind this model.
  • The DWDM was developed in this study in order to predict hydrological and water quality at agricultural field level more accurately than before with the SWAT model. The processes for the development of the DWDM were as follows (Fig.
  • The SWAT input data, such as land uses, soil, DEM, and long-term weather data (Table 1) were prepared for the study watershed to evaluate the effects on streamflow and sediment of using the DWDM in SWAT runs. Digital soil map (1:25,000) from the Korea Rural Resource Development Institute was used (Fig.
  • In this study, to overcome the aforementioned limitations of the SWAT model which form the stream nothing but using DEM, after making a shape file for real agricultural boundary through field survey or high resolution satellite image, it is inputted into “burn_in using agricultural field boundary” dialog box to analyze agricultural canals for additionally burning stream to estimate sediment and nutrient pollution from each parcel of an agricultural field accurately. Therefore, the additional watershed delineation of agricultural fields was conducted using the DWDM developed in this study to simulate streamflow and sediment, and the result values of them were compared with or without the DWDM.
  • Finally, after developing the module to create streamlink considering both streamlink made by automatic watershed delineation module in the current SWAT and that made by agricultural field boundary using various ArcView Avenue programmings, the DWDM for watershed delineation extraction was developed for accurate estimation in each parcel of agricultural fields. Thus, to simulate agricultural field accurately as real situation, agricultural boundary made by the SWAT user according to on-site agricultural field through field survey was delineated to conduct watershed delineation of each part of an agricultural field independently using the DWDM developed in this study.

대상 데이터

  • 5(c)) with cell sizes of 1 m were prepared using the 1:5,000 digital map obtained from the Korea National Geographic Information Institute. Long-term daily historic weather data (from 1993 through 2007) collected from the weather station in Hongcheon-gun, the nearest one, Gangwon province were used in the evaluation of the DWDM.
  • Small rural, hilly watershed (Fig. 4), situated in the southern part of Hongcheon-gun, Gangwon-do in South Korea, was selected to demonstrate necessity of development of the SWAT DWDM module.
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참고문헌 (26)

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