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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Canine pyometra generally occurs in intact female dogs of more than four years of age. However, in rarely cases, pyometra can occur in young bitches. In the present report, two cases of pyometra in thirteen and eighteen months of age were presented. In both cases, absent of vaginal discharge represe...


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가설 설정

  • 1. Abdominal radiographs of case 2. Tubular shape soft-tissue density structure revealed enlargement of uterus. (a) lateral view, (b) ventrodorsal view.
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참고문헌 (17)

  1. Bowen RA, Olson PN, Behrendt MD, Wheeler SL, Husted PW and Net TM. 1985. Efficacy and toxicity of estrogens commonly used to terminate canine pregnancy. J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc. 186:783-788. 

  2. Cho JK, Kim HS, Lee SH, Choi YH, Park HM, Kwon OK, Lee BC and Hwang WS. 2000. Clinical study of canine pyometra. Korean J. Vet. Clin. Med. 17:219-224. 

  3. De Bosschere H, Ducatelle R, Vermeirsch H, Van Den Broeck W and Coryn M. 2001. Cystic endometrial hyperplasiapyometra complex in the bitch: Should the two entities be disconnected? Theriogenology 55:1509-1519. 

  4. Dow C. 1959. The cystic hyperplasia-pyometra complex in the bitch. J. Comp. Pathol. 69:237-250. 

  5. Ewald BH. 1961. A survey of the cystic hyperplasia-pyometra complex in the bitch. Small Anim. Clin. 1:383-386. 

  6. Gilbert RO, Nothling JO and Oettle EE. 1989. A retrospective study of 40 cases of canine pyometra-metritis treated with prostaglandin F-2 alpha and broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. J. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl. 39:225-229. 

  7. Hardy RM and Osborne CA. 1974. Canine pyometra: Pathogenesis, physiology, diagnosis and treatment of uterine and extra-uterine lesions. J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc. 10:245-268. 

  8. Jang G, Byeon YE, Kim MK, Koo OJ and Lee BC. 2008. Analysis of SRY-negative XX true hermaphroditism in an English Cocker Spaniel. J. Vet. Clin. 25:221-223. 

  9. Johnston SD, Kustritz MVR and Olson PN. 2001. Canine and Feline Theriogenology. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 213. 

  10. Niskanen M and Thrusfield MV. 1998. Associations between age, parity, hormonal therapy and breed, and pyometra in Finnish dogs. Vet. Rec. 143:493-498. 

  11. Pretzer SD. 2008. Clinical presentation of canine pyometra and mucometra: a review. Theriogenology 70:359-363. 

  12. Simpson GM, England GCW, Harvey M. 1998. BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Reproduction and Neonatalogy, British Samll Animal Veterinary Association, Cheltenham, United Kingdom, pp. 47. 

  13. Smith FO. 2006. Canine pyometra. Theriogenology 66:610-612. 

  14. Sugiura K, Nishikawa M, Ishiguro K, Tajima T, Inaba M, Torii R, Hatoya S, Wijewardana V, Kumagai D, Tamada H, Sawada T, Ikehara S and Inaba T. 2004. Effect of ovarian hormones on periodical changes in immune resistance associated with estrous cycle in the beagle bitch. Immunobiology 209:619-627. 

  15. Sutton DJ, Geary MR and Bergman JG. 1997. Prevention of pregnancy in bitches following unwanted mating: A clinical trial using low dose oestradiol benzoate. J. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl. 51:239-243. 

  16. Verstegen J, Dhaliwal G and Verstegen-Onclin K. 2008. Mucometra, cystic endometrial hyperplasia, and pyometra in the bitch: advances in treatment and assessment of future reproductive success. Theriogenology 70:364-374. 

  17. Wheaton LG, Johnson AL, Parker AJ and Kneller SK. 1989. Results and complications of surgical treatment of pyometra: a review of 80 cases. J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc. 25:563-568. 

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