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Evaluation of the 7th AJCC TNM Staging System in Point of Lymph Node Classification 원문보기

Journal of gastric cancer : jgc, v.11 no.2, 2011년, pp.94 - 100  

Kim, Sung-Hoo (Department of Surgery, Hanyang University College of Medicine) ,  Ha, Tae-Kyung (Department of Surgery, Hanyang University College of Medicine) ,  Kwon, Sung-Joon (Department of Surgery, Hanyang University College of Medicine)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: The 7th AJCC tumor node metastasis (TNM) staging system modified the classification of the lymph node metastasis widely compared to the 6th edition. To evaluate the prognostic predictability of the new TNM staging system, we analyzed the survival rate of the gastric cancer patients assessed...


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제안 방법

  • Accordingly in these cases, a statistical analysis could not be performed. Based on the results of the above analysis, in cases which were classified as N3 according to the 7th edition, further efforts are needed to obtain the optimal cut-off value for the number of metastatic lymph nodes. This should be followed by subclassification system.
  • Of 2,083 patients with gastric cancer who underwent gastrectomy at department of surgery at Hanyang University Medical Center during a period ranging from July of 1992 to December of 2009, in 464 patients without a distant metastasis with no respect to the degree of invasion to the gastric wall whose number of metastatic lymph node was greater than 7 (TanyN3M0) and 160 patients (stage IV) who had a distant metastasis with no respect to the degree of invasion to the gastric wall and the degree of lymph node metastasis based on the degree of lymph node metastasis and the presence of distant metastasis, the survival rate was examined and the validity of TNM staging system was analyzed. Of Stage IV patients, there were 53 cases of sub-total gastrectomy, 51 cases of total gastrectomy, 27 cases of bypass surgery and 29 cases of simple laparotomy.
  • Of 2,083 patients with gastric cancer who underwent gastrectomy at department of surgery at Hanyang University Medical Center during a period ranging from July of 1992 to December of 2009, in 464 patients without a distant metastasis with no respect to the degree of invasion to the gastric wall whose number of metastatic lymph node was greater than 7 (TanyN3M0) and 160 patients (stage IV) who had a distant metastasis with no respect to the degree of invasion to the gastric wall and the degree of lymph node metastasis based on the degree of lymph node metastasis and the presence of distant metastasis, the survival rate was examined and the validity of TNM staging system was analyzed. Of Stage IV patients, there were 53 cases of sub-total gastrectomy, 51 cases of total gastrectomy, 27 cases of bypass surgery and 29 cases of simple laparotomy.


  • , Chicago, IL, USA). Survival rate was calculated using a Kaplan-Meier analysis.The difference in the survival rate was analyzed using a log-rank testin order to demonstrate a statistical significance.
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참고문헌 (24)

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