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산성 염료 및 반응성 염료에 의한 폴리아미드계 극세사의 염색성
Dyeing Properties of Acid Dyes and Reactive Dyes on Sea-island Type Ultrafine Nylon Fiber

한국섬유공학회지 = Textile science and engineering, v.48 no.5, 2011년, pp.315 - 321  

이범수 (한국생산기술연구원 염색가공기술센터) ,  조항성 (한국생산기술연구원 염색가공기술센터) ,  이효영 (건국대학교 공과대학 섬유공학과) ,  김성 (건국대학교 공과대학 섬유공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The alkaline dissolution behavior and dyeing properties of acid dyes and reactive dyes on sea-island type ultrafine nylon fiber were investigated in this study. The alkaline dissolution behavior was very dependent on the concentration of NaOH and temperature, the most appropriate condition was to tr...


참고문헌 (11)

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  2. J. W. S. Hearle, P. Grosberg, and S. Backer, "Structural Mechanics of Fibers, Yarns, and Fabrics", John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1969, pp.81-100. 

  3. O. Wada, "Control of Fiber Form and Yarn and Fabric Structure", J Text Inst, 1992, 83, 322-347. 

  4. J. Koh, "Alkaline Dissolution Monitoring of Sea-island Type Polyester Microfibre by Cationic Dye Staining Method", Coloration Technol, 2004, 120, 80-86. 

  5. H. T. Cho and H. Lee, "Dyeing Behaviors of a Disperse Dye on Ultra-micro PET Fibers", Text Sci Eng, 2010, 47(2), 77- 84. 

  6. K. Himeno, "Dyeing of Shingosen and Its Problems - Especially Dyeing of Fine Denier Fibers", Dyeing Industry, 1992, 40, 586-591. 

  7. S. D. Kim, K. S. Lee, S. S. Lee, and K. S. Kim, "Dyeing Properties and Improvement of Washfastness of Ultrafine Polyester", J Kor Soc Dyers Finishers, 2003, 15(1), 48-55. 

  8. J. S. Koh, J. H. Park, K. S. Lee, and S. D. Kim, "Weight Reduction and Dyeing Properties of Sea-island Type PET Supermicrofiber Fabrics", Text Sci Eng, 2005, 42(6), 355- 402. 

  9. J. E. Jang, M. J. Kang, and J. H. Choi, "A Study of Dyeability at Low Temperature on the Ultra-microfiber", J Kor Soc Dyers Finishers, 2004, 16(3), 8-13. 

  10. T. Nakamura, S. Ohwaki, and T. Shibusawa, "Dyeing Properties of Polyester Microfibers", Text Res Inst, 1995, 65(2), 113-118. 

  11. J. Militky, J. Vanicek, J. Krystufek, and V. Hartych, "Modified Polyester Fibres", Elsevier, Prague, 1991, pp.61- 62. 

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