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[국내논문] 탈황(脫黃) 폐촉매(廢觸媒)로부터 유가금속(有價金屬) 추출(抽出)
Extraction of Valuable Metals from Spent Desulfurizing Catalyst 원문보기

資源리싸이클링 = Journal of the Korean Institute of Resources Recycling, v.20 no.3, 2011년, pp.48 - 54  

(충남대학교 나노공학과) ,  김동진 (한국지질자원연구원 광물자원연구본부) ,  백승배 (충남대학교 나노공학과) ,  이성원 (충남대학교 나노공학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

황산으로 탈황 폐촉매를 침출한 결과 황산농도 1 M, 반응시간 1 hr인 실험조건에서 Ni 및 V은 95% 이상, 그리고 Mo은 30%가 침출되었다. 탈황 폐촉매의 Mo matrix 특성으로 인하여 다른 금속에 비하여 Mo의 침출율이 낮았으며, 본 침출반응은 확산반응에 의하여 제어되는 것으로 판단된다. Mo을 완전히 침출하기 위하여 유황성분이 제거된 폐촉매로 침출실험을 실시하였다. 1M 황산으로 처리후 탄산나트륨으로 세척시 Ni, Mo 그리고 V의 침출율은 99% 이었다. Ni 2 g/L; V 9 g/L, Mo 0.6 g/L 조성의 침출액을 LIX 841로 용매추출한 조건에서 A:O 비 5:2, 2단계로 처리시 Mo은 98% 이상 추출되었으며 A:O 비 5:3, 2단계로 처리시 V은 82%가 추출되었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Sulphuric acid leaching was conducted to extract the metal values from spent refinery catalyst. More than 95% of Ni and V and 30% of Mo could be leached out in 1 M sulphuric acid and 1 hr of leaching time. The decrease in Mo leaching was due to typical characteristic of Mo matrix. The activation ene...


참고문헌 (17)

  1. J. R. Davis, 1995: Tool Materials. ASM International, ISBN 9780871705457. 

  2. M.F. Ashby and R.H.J. David, 1992: Engineering Materials 2 (with corrections ed.). Oxford: Pergamon Press. ISBN 0-08-032532-7. 

  3. Molyreview, International Molybdenum Association, January 2010. 

  4. R.R. Moskalyk and A.M. Alfantazi, 2003: Processing of vanadium: a review. Minerals Engineering, 16, pp. 793- 805. 

  5. M. Peters and C. Leyens, 2002: "Metastabile - Legierungen". Titan und Titanlegierungen Wiley-VCH, pp. 23-24. ISBN 9783527305391. 

  6. Recognizing the Best in Innovation, 2005: Breakthrough Catalysis. R&D Magazine, pp. 20. 

  7. Anon, 2003: Vanadium Statistics and Information in Mineral Commodity Summaries. U.S.A. Government Minerals Publications Website. 

  8. R.P. Silvy, 2004: Future trends in refining catalyst market. Applied Catalysis, 261, pp. 247-52. 

  9. M. Absi-Halabi, A. Stanislaus and H. Qabazard, 1997: Trends in catalysis research to meet future refining needs. Hydrocarbon Process, pp. 45-55. 

  10. P. Dufresne, 2007: Hydroprocessing catalysts regeneration and recycling. Applied Catalysis A: General, 322, pp. 67- 75. 

  11. Marafi and A. Stanislaus, 2008: Spent hydroprocessing catalyst management: A review Part II. Advances in metal recovery and safe disposal methods. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 53, pp. 1-26. 

  12. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 2003: Hazardous waste management system. Federal Register vol. 68, No. 202; pp. 55935-59940. 

  13. E. Furimsky, 1996: Spent refinery catalysts: environment, safety and utilization. Catalysis Today, 30, pp. 223-286. 

  14. T. Chang, 1998: Spent catalyst options, reclamation and landfill processes are alternatives to regeneration. Oil and Gas Journal, pp. 79-84. 

  15. D. Pradhan, D. Mishra, D-J. Kim, G. Roy Chaudhury and S-W. Lee, 2009: Dissolution kinetics of spent petroleum catalyst using two different acidophiles. Hydrometallurgy, 99, pp. 157-162. 

  16. H.Y. Sohn and M.E. Wadsworth, 1979: Rate process of extractive metallurgy. Plenum Press, New York. 

  17. P.K. Parhi, S. Panigrahi, K. Sarangi, K.C. Nathsarma, 2008: Separation of cobalt and nickel from ammoniacal sulphate solution using Cyanex 272. Separation and Purification Technology, 59, pp. 310-317. 

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