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중력 가속도로 인한 의식상실 감지 및 자동 회복 시스템 개발
Development of Gravity-induced Loss of Consciousness(GLOC) Monitoring System and Automatic Recovery System 원문보기

제어·로봇·시스템학회 논문지 = Journal of institute of control, robotics and systems, v.17 no.7, 2011년, pp.704 - 713  

김종섭 (한국항공우주산업(주)) ,  황병문 (한국항공우주산업(주)) ,  강임주 (한국항공우주산업(주)) ,  장순용 (한국항공우주산업(주)) ,  김광윤 (대한민국 공군) ,  박명환 (대한민국 공군)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

For many years, many pilots lost their lives and aircrafts due to GLOC(Gravity-induced Loss Of Consciousness). Due to the emergence of high-gravity maneuvering aircraft such as the F-16, F-15 and T-50, the automatic GLOC detection and recovery systems are necessary to increase the aircraft safeties ...


참고문헌 (12)

  1. C. S. Kim, B. M. Hwang, G. O. Koh, and M. H. Bae, "A study on longitudinal control law in order to improvement of T-50 fine tracking performance," Journal of The Korea Society for Aeronautical and Space Science (in Korean), vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 50-55, 2005. 

  2. C. S. Kim, B. M. Hwang, and S. J. Kim, "A study on the longitudinal flight control law of T-50," Journal of Control Automation and System Engineering (in Korean), vol. 11, no. 11, Nov. 2005. 

  3. C. S. Kim, B. M. Hwang, and Y. S. Kang, "A study on the flight control law and the dynamic characteristic about variation of feedback gains of T-50 lateral- directional axis," Journal of Control Automation and System Engineering (in Korean), vol. 12, no. 7, July 2006. 

  4. 남택상, "인체와 가속도," 항공의학, 제33권 제1,2호(통권 49호), 1985년. 

  5. 백용주, "전투기 조종사의 G-LOC 사례 분석," 항공의학, 제51권 제2호(통권 73호), 2004년. 

  6. W. B. Albery and R. E. Van Patten, "Development of a gravity induced loss-of-consciousness (GLOC) monitoring system," IEEE, 1990. 

  7. L. D. Tripp, Jr., "Enhanced recovery of aircrew from G acceleration induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC): A Centrifuge study," United States Air Force Research Laboratory, Oct. 2001. 

  8. J. E. Whinnery, "F-16 control stick response during+Gz-Induced loss of consciousness," USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Nov. 1986. 

  9. W. B. Albery, M. N. Khomenko, and M. C, "Differences in pilot automation philosophies in the US and russian air force ground collision avoidance systems," RTO HFM Symposium, RTO-MP-088, 7-9, Oct. 2002. 

  10. "The possibility of G-induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC) during aerobatics in a light aircraft," Bureau of Air Safety Investigation, Research Report 872-1017, Feb. 1988. 

  11. C. S. Kim and I. J. Kang, "A study on design and validation of pilot activated recovery system to recover aircraft abnormal attitude, altitude and speed," Journal of Institute of Control Robotics and Systems (in Korean), vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 1302-1312, Dec. 2008. 

  12. A. S. Jun, C. S. Kim, I. J. Cho, and E. Y. Lee, "Verification of flight control law similarity and HILS environment reliability for fighter aircraft," Journal of The Korea Society for Aeronautical and Space Science (in Korean), vol. 37, no. 7, pp 464-469, 2009. 

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