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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Human embryonic stem (ES) cells are a potential source of cells for developmental studies and for a variety of applications in transplantation therapies and drug discovery. However, human ES cells are difficult to culture and maintain at a large scale, which is one of the most serious obstacles in h...


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제안 방법

  • , 2005). To confirm the karyotypes of human ES cells, we analyzed the chromosomal status of ES cells using the GTG-banding method and monitored whether translocations and/or aneuploidies are found (Fig. 1D). After 20 enzymatic passages using accutase, the human ES cells had normal karyotype.
  • We selected two of the stocks (frozen at passage 11 and passage 24, respectively) and cultured them on Matrigel-coated plates after usual thawing. We cultured the stock frozen at passage 11 for another 3 passages and performed a FACS analysis to assess expression of ES cell markers (Batch 1) (Fig. 4A). We cultured the other stock (passage 24) for another 14 passages and checked ES cell marker expression (Batch 2) (Fig.

대상 데이터

  • H9 human ES cells (WiCell Research Institute, Madison, USA) were maintained on MEF cells in an ES medium containing 80% DMEM/F12 (Gibco, Carlasbad, USA), 20% KnockOut serum replacement medium (Gibco), 1 mM L-glutamine (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, USA), 0.1 mM β-mercaptoethanol (Sigma-Aldrich), 1% nonessential amino acids (Gibco), and 4 ng/ml human basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF).
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (25)

  1. 1 Amit M Margulets V Segev H Shariki K Laevsky I Coleman R Itskovitz-Eldor J Human feeder layers for human embryonic stem cells Biol Reprod 2003 68 2150 2156 12606388 

  2. 2 Bajpai R Lesperance J Kim M Terskikh AV Efficient propagation of single cells accutase-dissociated human embryonic stem cells Mol Reprod Dev 2008 75 818 827 18157870 

  3. 3 Ben-Hur T Idelson M Khaner H Pera M Reinhartz E Itzik A Reubinoff BE Transplantation of human embryonic stem cell-derived neural progenitors improves behavioral deficit in Parkinsonian rats Stem Cells 2004 22 1246 1255 15579643 

  4. 4 Braam SR Denning C Matsa E Young LE Passier R Mummery CL Feeder-free culture of human embryonic stem cells in conditioned medium for efficient genetic modification Nat Protoc 2008 3 1435 1443 18772870 

  5. 5 Buzzard JJ Gough NM Crook JM Colman A Karyotype of human ES cells during extended culture Nat Biotechnol 2004 22 381 382 15060545 

  6. 6 Caisander G Park H Frej K Lindqvist J Bergh C Lundin K Hanson C Chromosomal integrity maintained in five human embryonic stem cell lines after prolonged in vitro culture Chromosome Res 2006 14 131 137 16544187 

  7. 7 Carpenter MK Rosler ES Fisk GJ Brandenberger R Ares X Miura T Lucero M Rao MS Properties of four human embryonic stem cell lines maintainedin a feeder-free culture system Dev Dyn 2004 229 243 258 14745950 

  8. 8 Cha SK Choi KH Shin JM Park KH Yoon TK Chung HM Lee DR Improving the survival and maintenance of the undifferentiated state of cryopreserved human embryonic stem cells by extended incubation with feeder cells overnight before vitrification Dev Reprod 2008 12 141 149 

  9. 9 Draper JS Smith K Gokhale P Moore HD Maltby E Johnson J Meisner L Zwaka TP Thomson JA Andrews PW Recurrent gain of chromosomes 17q and 12 in cultured human embryonic stem cells Nat Biotechnol 2004 22 53 54 14661028 

  10. 10 Ellerström C Strehl R Noaksson K Hyllner J Semb H Facilitated expansion of human embryonic stem cell by single-cell enzymatic dissociation Stem Cells 2007 25 1690 1696 17379766 

  11. 11 Gertow K Cedervall J Unger C Szöke K Blennow E Imreh MP Ahrlund-Richter L Trisomy 12 in HESC leads to no selective in vivo growth advantage in teratomas, but induces an increased abundance of renal development J Cell Biochem 2007 100 1518 1525 17131387 

  12. 12 Hasegawa K Fujioka T Nakamura Y Nakatsuji N Suemori H A method for selection of human embryonic stem cell sublines with high replating efficiency after single-cell dissociation Stem Cells 2006 24 2649 2660 16931777 

  13. 13 Imreh MP Gertow K Cedervall J Unger C Holmberg K Szöke K Csöregh L Fried G Dilber S Blennow E Ahrlund-Richter L In vitro culture conditions favoring selection of chromosomal abnormalities inhuman ES cells J Cell Biochem 2006 99 508 516 16622834 

  14. 14 International Stem Cell Initiative Screening ethnically diverse human embryonic stem cells identifies a chromosome 20 minimal amplicon conferring growth advantage Nat Biotechnol 2011 29 1132 1144 22119741 

  15. 15 Joannides A Fiore-Hériché C Westmore K Caldwell M Compston A Allen N Chandran S Automated mechanical passaging: a novel and efficient method for human embryonic stem cell expansion Stem Cells 2006 24 230 235 16510428 

  16. 16 Li X Krawetz R Liu S Meng G Rancourt DE ROCK inhibitor improves survival of cryopreserved serum/feeder-free single human embryonic stem cells Hum Reprod 2009 24 580 589 19056770 

  17. 17 Maitra A Arking DE Shivapurkar N Ikeda M Stastny V Kassauei K Sui G Cutler DJ Liu Y Brimble SN Noaksson K Hyllner J Schulz TC Zeng X Freed WJ Crook J Abraham S Colman A Sartipy P Matsui S Carpenter M Gazdar AF Rao M Chakravarti A Genomic alterations in cultured human embryonic stem cells Nat Genet 2005 37 1099 1103 16142235 

  18. 18 Mitalipova MM Rao RR Hoyer DM Johnson JA Meisner LF Jones KL Dalton S Stice SL Preserving the genetic integrity of human embryonicstem cells Nat Biotechnol 2005 23 19 20 15637610 

  19. 19 Oh SK Kim HS Park YB Seol HW Kim YY Cho MS Ku SY Choi YM Kim DW Moon SY Methods for expansion of human embryonic stem cells Stem Cells 2005 23 605 609 15849167 

  20. 20 Reubinoff BE Pera MF Fong CY Trounson A Bongso A Embryonic stem cell lines from human blastocysts: somatic differentiation in vitro Nat Biotechnol 2000 18 399 404 10748519 

  21. 21 Rosler ES Fisk GJ Ares X Irving J Miura T Rao MS Carpenter MK Long-term culture of human embryonic stem cells in feeder-free conditions Dev Dyn 2004 229 259 274 14745951 

  22. 22 Sartipy P Björquist P Strehl R Hyllner J The application of human embryonic stem cell technologies to drug discovery Drug Discov 2007 12 688 699 

  23. 23 Seol HW Oh SK Kim HS Yim MY Baek JA Suh J Moon SY Choi YM A study of optimal methods for chromosome analysis of human embryonic stem cells J Reproductive Medicine and Population 2007 20 86 93 

  24. 24 Shofren-Jansson E Zetterström M Moya K Lindqvist J Strehl R Eriksson PS Large-scale propagation of four undifferentiated human embryonic stem cell lines in a feeder-free culture system Dev Dyn 2005 233 1304 1314 15965986 

  25. 25 Thomson JA Itskovitz-Eldor J Shapiro SS Waknitz MA Swiergiel JJ Marshall VS Jones JM Embryonic stem cell lines derived from human blastocysts Science 1998 282 1145 1147 9804556 

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