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형태학적 영상처리를 이용한 어체 측정 시스템 개발에 관한 연구
A Study on System for measuring morphometric characteristis of fish using morphological image processing 원문보기

한국어업기술학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology, v.48 no.4, 2012년, pp.469 - 478  

이동길 (국립수산과학원 시스템공학과) ,  양용수 (국립수산과학원 시스템공학과) ,  김성훈 (국립수산과학원 시스템공학과) ,  최정화 (국립수산과학원 자원관리과) ,  강준구 (제이앤제이테크놀로지) ,  김희제 (부산대학교 전자전기공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

To manage, sort, and grade fishery resources, it is necessary to measure their morphometric characteristics. This labor-intensive task involves performing repetitive operations on land and on a research vessel. To reduce the amount of labor required, a vision-based automatic measurement system (VAMS...


참고문헌 (10)

  1. Yang YS, Lee KH, Ji SC, Jeong SJ, Kim KM and Park SW. 2011. Measurement of size and swimming speed of Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) using by a strea vision methode. J Kor Soc Fish Tech 47, 214-221. 

  2. Strachan NJC. 1993a. Recognition of fish species by colour and shape. Image Vision Comput 11, 2-10. 

  3. Strachan NJC. 1993b. Length measurement of fish by computer vision. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture 8, 93-104. 

  4. Strachan NJC. 1994. Sea trials of a computer visionbased fish species sorting and size grading machine. Mechatronics 4, 773-783. 

  5. White DJ, Svellingen C, and Strachan NJC. 2006. Automated measurement of species and length of fish by computer vision. Fish Res 80, 203-210. 

  6. Kim JO and Park TH. 2012. Automatic Extraction of component inspection regions from printed circuit board by image clustering. Trans KIEE. 61, 472-478. 

  7. Lee EJ and Suk YS. 2002. A vehicle license plate recognition using intensity variation and geometric pattern vector. Trams KIPS transactions. Part B, B, 369-374. 

  8. Lee DG, Yang YS, Park SW, Cha BJ, Xu GC and Kim JR. 2012. Development of a vaccine automation injection system for flatfish using a template matchin. J Kor Soc Fish. Tech 48, 165-172. 

  9. Yongsheng G. 2002. Face recognition using line edge map. IEEE T Pattern Anal and Machine Intelligence 24, 764-779. 

  10. Gonzalez R and Woods R. 2007. Morphological image processing. In : Digital Image Processing. Third edition, Alice D, Scott D and Rose K, Person Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, U.S.A., 649-692. 

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