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[국내논문] 치과내원 환자의 레이저치료 실태 및 만족도
The laser therapy conditions and satisfaction of the dental patients 원문보기

한국치위생학회지 = Journal of Korean Society of Dental Hygiene, v.12 no.4, 2012년, pp.655 - 663  

이선미 (동남보건대학교 치위생과) ,  박지은 (이대부속 목동병원 치과) ,  김은주 (동남보건대학교 치위생과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives : This study was progressed a research with the aim of using it as basic data necessary for a plan in order to increase qualitatively medical level for patients who feel anxiety about dental treatment, and of offering basic data for improving the whole medical services by grasping conditi...


참고문헌 (16)

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  5. Choi JS. Effect of Dental Fear on Utilization of Dental Service[Doctor?s thesis]. Gim Hae:The graduate school of Inje University;2006. 

  6. Kang HY. Korean Validation Study of dental anxiety test[Master?s thesis]. Jeon Ju: The graduate school of Chonbuk National University; 1999. 

  7. Kim JY, Hong SS, Jeong SH, Choi YH, Song KB. Analysis of the related factors, validity of CFSS-DS for dental fear among elementary school students in Daegu city. J Korean Acad Dent health 2005;29(2):131-140. 

  8. Shin YS. Effects of Sedative Dental Treatment on Patient Satisfaction and Reuse Intention [Master?s thesis]. Daegu:The graduate school of Kei Myung University;2007. 

  9. Kim HS. The Satisfaction Status of the Prosthetic Patients Visiting Dental Clinics. Gim Hae[Master?s thesis]: Gim Hae:The graduate school of Inje University;2004. 

  10. Choi JS, Kim GK. Relationships between Dental Fear and Dental Services Utilization with Respect to Oral Health Promotion. Korean soc Health edu Promot 2006;23(4):47-65. 

  11. Lee MS. The Effect of Patient Satisfaction on recommanding and Revisits to Dental Clinics [Master?s thesis]. Seoul:The graduate school of KyungHee University;2005. 

  12. Song KS, Kang EJ, Lee HJ. A study on Patient Satisfaction with Medical Service in Some Areas. Dent Hyg Sci 2005;5(4):191-198. 

  13. Jin SH. A study of the factors influencing on the dental service satisfaction[Master?s thesis]. Jinju: The graduate school of KyungSan University: 2002. 

  14. Park SY. Dental fear and anxiety levels of middle school students[Master?s thesis]. Seoul: The graduate school of HanYang University: 2009. 

  15. Go EJ, Lee YH, Heo SJ. A study on factors related to satisfaction Level with dental services. J Acad Dent Hyg Edu 2010; 10(2):1-22. 

  16. Lee HN, Shim HS, Kim GY. Association of quality of dental care service on the Level of patient satisfaction. J Acad Dent Hyg Edu 2011;11(3):383-393. 

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