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[국내논문] Substituting Normal and Waxy-Type Whole Wheat Flour on Dough and Baking Properties 원문보기

Preventive nutrition and food science, v.17 no.3, 2012년, pp.197 - 202  

Choi, In-Duck (National Institute of Crop Science, RDA) ,  Kang, Chun-Sik (National Institute of Crop Science, RDA) ,  Cheong, Young-Keun (National Institute of Crop Science, RDA) ,  Hyun, Jong-Nae (National Institute of Crop Science, RDA) ,  Kim, Kee-Jong (National Institute of Crop Science, RDA)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Normal (cv. Keumkang, KK) and waxy-type (cv. Shinmichal, SMC) whole wheat flour was substituted at 20 and 40% for white wheat flour (WF) during bread dough formulation. The flour blends were subjected to dough and baking property measurement in terms of particle size distribution, dough mixing, brea...


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문제 정의

  • Thus, the inferior quality of whole grain bread has been an issue and research has been focused on enhancing the quality of whole wheat bread and baked products. The objectives of this study were to substitute partly white wheat flour with normal and waxy-type whole wheat flour and to investigate their effects on bread quality in terms of dough properties and some specific bread quality characteristics.
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참고문헌 (19)

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  17. 17 Hayakawa K Tanaka K Nakamura T Endo S Hoshino T 2004 End use quality of waxy wheat flour in various grain-based foods Cereal Chem 81 666 672 

  18. 18 Lee MR Swanson BG Baik BK 2001 Influence of amylase content on properties of wheat starch and bread-making quality of starch and gluten blends Cereal Chem 78 701 706 

  19. 19 Morita N Maeda T Miyazaki M Yamamori M Miura H Ohtsuka I 2002 Effect of substitution of waxy-wheat flour for common flour on dough and baking properties Food Sci Technol Res 8 119 124 

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