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해도형(海島型) PET 초극세섬유의 알칼리 가수분해에 관한 연구
A Study on the Alkali Hydrolysis of Sea-island PET Ultra-microfiber 원문보기

韓國染色加工學會誌 = Textile coloration and finishing, v.25 no.4, 2013년, pp.303 - 313  

서말용 (한국섬유개발연구원) ,  이준희 (한국섬유개발연구원) ,  옥치민 (케이엠에프) ,  조성훈 (한국섬유소재연구소) ,  이종우 ((주)에스티원창) ,  조호현 (서정대학교)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Alkali hydrolysis of sea-island PET 0.02denier microfiber were compared to those on the fabrics of the 0.06denier microfiber. In the dissolution of the sea component out of sea island type ultra-microfiber, it is important to determine the optimum division and divided material. Weight reduction of s...


참고문헌 (19)

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  3. J. S. Koh, J. H. Park, K. S. Lee, and S. D. Kim, Weight Reduction and Dyeing Properties of Sea-island Type PET Supermicrofiber Fabrics, Textile Science and Engineering, 42(6), 355(2005). 

  4. J. E. Chang, M. J. Kang, and J. H. Choi, A Study of Dyeability at Low Temperature on the Ultra-microfiber, Textile Coloration and Finishing (J. of Korea Soc. Dyers and Finishers), 16(3), 8 (2004). 

  5. S. K. Dho and C. H. Choi, Effect of Divalen Cations on Alkaline Hydrolysis of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Fabric, Textile Coloration and Finishing( J. of Korea Soc. Dyers and Finishers), 7(4), 61(1995). 

  6. M. Y. Seo, H. H. Cho, S. S. Kim, J. W. Jeon, and S. G. Lee, A Study on the Alkali Hydrolysis of PET Fabrics with Ultrasonic Application(I)-Decomposition Rate Constant and Activation Energy-, Textile Coloration and Finishing(J. of Korea Soc. Dyers and Finishers), 14(4), 18(2002). 

  7. J. B. Woo, H. H. Yoo, W. S. Kim, S. M. Choi, J. C. Park, and Y. H. Park, Alkali Hydrolysis of New Polyester and Its Properties(I) -The Behavior of Alkali Hydrolysis-, J. of the Korean Fiber Society, 30(2), 171(1993). 

  8. S. H. Seong, C. N. Choi, H. Choi, S. Y. Lee, M. K. Song, and R. Kim, Alkaline Hydrolysis Behavior of Poly(trimethylene terephthalate) Fibers Annealed by Passing on the Plate Heater, Textile Coloration and Finishing(J. of Korea Soc. Dyers and Finishers), 15(3), 6(2003). 

  9. M. S. Jeong, D. S. Jeong, K. H. Kim, and M. C. Lee, Heat Setting and Dyeing Properties of PET Ultramicrofiber, J. of the Korean Fiber Society, 36(9), 696(1999). 

  10. M. K. Kang, B. H. Lee, and J. Y. Jaung, Synthesis and Application of Alkali Clearable Dispersive Dyes Derived from 4-Amino-3-nitroalkylbenzonate Derivative, J. of the Korean Fiber Society, 38(8), 403(2001). 

  11. D. S. Jeong and M. C. Lee, Physical and Dyeing Properties of PET Ultramicrofiber Treated with DMF, Textile Coloration and Finishing(J. of Korea Soc. Dyers and Finishers), 14(5), 17(2002). 

  12. J. M. Park, D. S. Jeong, H. K. Rho, and M. C. Lee, Alkaline Weight Reduction and Physical Properties of 0.01d Polyester Ultramicro Fiber, Textile Coloration and Finishing(J. of Korea Soc. Dyers and Finishers), 18(4), 37(2006). 

  13. H. H. Yoo, J. B. Woo, W. S. Kim, S. M. Choi, J. C. Park, and Y. H. Park, Alkali Hydrolysis of New Polyester and Its Properties(II) -The Change of Properties Alkali Hydrolysis-, J. of the Korean Fiber Society, 30(3), 224(1993). 

  14. J. M. Park, D. S. Jeong, H. K. Rho, H. J. Ryu, and M. C. Lee, Dyeing and Mechanical Properties of 0.01d Polyester Ultramicro Fiber, Textile Coloration and Finishing(J. of Korea Soc. Dyers and Finishers), 18(6), 10(2006). 

  15. H. T. Cho and H. Lee, Dyeing Behaviors of a Disperse Dye on Ultra-micro PET Fibers, Textile Science and Engineering, 47(2), 77(2010). 

  16. Y. H. Kim, S. H. Jaw, M. H. Lee, and K. G. Song, Alkaline Hydrolsis and Mechanical Property Changes of Polyester Mixture Fabrics using PET/Co PET Conjugate Fiber as a Weft, J. of the Korean Fiber Society, 35(11), 721(1998). 

  17. S. J. Kim, S. H. Kim, and K. W. Oh, Effect of Chemical Split on Water Absorption of Polyester Microfiber Knit, J. of the Korean Fiber Society, 37(7), 412(2000). 

  18. H. I. Kim, C. H. Jeong, and M. H. Min, Accelerating Effect of Organic Acid Treatment on Weight Reduction Characteristics of Sea-Island Type PET Supermicrofiber(1), Textile Coloration and Finishing(J. of Korea Soc. Dyers and Finishers), 24(1), 45(2012). 

  19. Y. M. Ju, M. K. Kim, Y. K. Hong, K. R. Ahn, K. S. Bae, and J. M. Lee, Alkaline Hydrolysis of Polyester/Acetate Union Fabric, Textile Coloration and Finishing(J. of Korea Soc. Dyers and Finishers), 8(4), 42(1996). 

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