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NTIS 바로가기Progress in superconductivity and cryogenics : PSAC, v.15 no.4, 2013년, pp.53 - 58
Chang, Y.B. (National Fusion Research Institute) , Lee, H.J. (National Fusion Research Institute) , Park, Y.M. (National Fusion Research Institute) , Lee, Y.J. (National Fusion Research Institute) , Kwag, S.W. (National Fusion Research Institute) , Song, N.H. (National Fusion Research Institute) , Park, D.S. (National Fusion Research Institute) , Joo, J.J. (National Fusion Research Institute) , Moon, K.M. (National Fusion Research Institute) , Kim, N.W. (National Fusion Research Institute) , Yang, H.L. (National Fusion Research Institute) , Oh, Y.K. (National Fusion Research Institute)
KSTAR in-vessel cryo-pump has been installed in the vacuum vessel top and bottom side with up-down symmetry for the better plasma density control in the D-shape H-mode. The cryogenic helium lines of the in-vessel cryo-pump are located at the vertical positions from the vacuum vessel torus center 2,0...
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H. J. LEE, et al., "Design and Fabrication of the KSTAR In-vessel Cyro-pump," Volume 86, Issues 9-11, October 2011, Pages 1993-1996
S. W. KWAG, et al., "Commissioning result of the In-vessel cryopump for 4th campaign," 2010 KSTAR Conference, Feb. 2011.
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