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참고문헌 (14)

  1. Aronson, A. R. (2001). Effective mapping of biomedical text to the UMLS Metathesaurus: the MetaMap program. Proceedings / AMIA Annual Symposium AMIA Symposium, pp. 17-21. 

  2. Beisswanger, E., Lee, V., Kim, J.-J., Rebholz-Schuhmann, D., Splendiani, A, Dameron, O., et al. (2008). Gene Regulation Ontology (GRO): design principles and use cases. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 136, 9-14. 

  3. Bjorne, J., & Salakoski, T. (2013). TEES 2.1: Automated Annotation Scheme Learning in the BioNLP 2013 Shared Task. Presented at the BioNLP Shared Task 2013 Workshop. pp. 16 - 25 

  4. Chua, W. W. K., & Kim, J.-J. (2012). BOAT: automatic alignment of biomedical ontologies using term informativeness and candidate selection. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 45(2), 337-349. 

  5. Chua, W. W. K., & Kim, J.-J. (2012). Discovering Cross-Ontology Subsumption Relationships by Using Ontological Annotations on Biomedical Literature. Presented at the International Conference on Biomedical Ontology ICBO. 

  6. Euzenat, J., Ferrara, A, Meilicke, C., Nikolov, A, Pane, J., Scharffe, F., et al. (2010). Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2010. Presented at the International Workshop on Ontology Matching OM. 

  7. Frantzi, K., Ananiadou, S., & Mima, H. (2000). Automatic recognition of multi-word terms: the C-value/NC-value method. International Journal on Digital Libraries, 3(2), 115-130. 

  8. Gruber, T. R. (1995). Toward principles for the design of ontologies used for knowledge sharing? International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 43(5-6), 907-928. 

  9. Han, X., & Kim, J.-J. (2014). Active learning for ontological event extraction. Presented at the SMBM. pp. 45-51. 

  10. Hearst, M. A. (1992). Automatic acquisition of hyponyms from large text corpora. Presented at the COLING. pp. 539-545. 

  11. Kim, J.-J., Han, X., Lee, V., & Rebholz-Schuhmann, D. (2013). GRO Task: Populating the Gene Regulation Ontology with events and relations. Presented at the Workshop BioNLP Shared Task. pp. 50-57. 

  12. Luu, A T., Kim, J.-J., & Ng, S.-K. (2014). Taxonomy Construction Using Syntactic Contextual Evidence. Presented at the EMNLP. pp. 810-819. 

  13. Miller, G. A., Beckwith, R., Fellbaum, C., Gross, D., & Miller, K. J. (1990). Introduction to WordNet: An On-line Lexical Database. International Journal of Lexicography, 3(4), 235-244. 

  14. Wong, W, Liu, W., & Bennamoun, M. (2012). Ontology learning from text: A Look Back and into the Future. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 44(4). 

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