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Assessment of Heavy Metal (loid) Pollution Using Pollution Index in Agricultural Field Adjacent to Industrial Area 원문보기

Korean journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer, v.49 no.6, 2016년, pp.768 - 775  

Min, Kyungjun (Department of Bio-Environment Chemistry, Chungnam National University) ,  Hong, Youngkyu (Department of Bio-Environment Chemistry, Chungnam National University) ,  Choi, Wonsuk (Department of Bio-Environment Chemistry, Chungnam National University) ,  Kim, Daebok (Department of Bio-Environment Chemistry, Chungnam National University) ,  Kim, Sungchul (Department of Bio-Environment Chemistry, Chungnam National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Heavy metal pollution in arable field is an critical problem due to crop safety. For this reason, national survey of heavy metal pollution in the arable field near at the industrial area has been conducted from 1999 in Korea. The main purpose of this research was to monitor heavy metal pollution in ...


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  • 본 연구의 목적은 충청 남・북도에 있는 15개 산업단지, 532개 지점을 대상으로 오염도 평가를 실시하고 산업단지 인근의 오염추정지역 농경지 토양 내 중금속 오염수준을 파악한 후, 이를 지수화 평가방법을 이용하여 오염도를 평가하는 것이다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (20)

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  15. Lim, H.S., J.S. Lee, H.T. Chon, and M. Sager. 2008. Heavy metal contamination and health risk assessment in the vicinity of the abandoned Songcheon Au-Ag mine in Korea. J. Geochem. Explor. 96(2):223-230. 

  16. Oh, S.J., S.C. Kim, S.M. Oh, B.Y. Lee, Y.S. Ok, and J.E. Yang. 2014. Phytoavailability of arsenic and cadmium in mining area with varied soil pH conditions. 2014.10:271-272 (Abstr.). 

  17. Oh, S.J., S.C. Kim, T.H. Kim, K.H. Yeon, J.S. Lee, and J.E. Yang. 2011. Determining kinetic parameters and stabilization efficiency of heavy metals with various chemical amendment. Korean J. Soil Sci. Fert. 44(6):1063-1070. 

  18. Qingjie, G., D. Jun, X. Yunchuan, W. Qingfei, and Y. Liqiang. 2008. Calculating pollution indices by heavy metals in ecological geochemistry assessment and a case study in parks of Beijing. J. China Univ. Geosciences. 19(3):230-241. 

  19. Wuana, R.A. and F.E. Okieimen. 2011. Heavy metals in contaminated soils: a review of sources, chemistry, risks and best available strategies for remediation. ISRN Ecology. 2011:1-20. 

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