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동물매개치유 연구고찰을 통한 국내 치유농업의 방향설정과 적용방안 연구
A Study on Application Plan and Research Direction Proposal of Domestic Therapy Agriculture through Review of Animal-Assisted Therapy 원문보기

농촌계획 : 韓國農村計劃學會誌, v.22 no.1, 2016년, pp.57 - 67  

김대식 (충남대학교 지역환경토목학과) ,  이영란 (충남대학교) ,  박희근 (충남대학교) ,  피피트 (충남대학교 대학원 스포츠과학과) ,  이위 (충남대학교 대학원 스포츠과학과) ,  이광민 (충남대학교 대학원 스포츠과학과) ,  정성구 (충남대학교 대학원 스포츠과학과) ,  박종구 (충남대학교 대학원 스포츠과학과) ,  김경일 (충남대학교 대학원 스포츠과학과) ,  이왕록 (충남대학교 스포츠과학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study was to review of animal-assisted therapy. Method: Animal-assisted therapies (AATs) in domestic and international studies (68 cases) were analyzed by searching databases, KERIS & KISS, and the Pub MED(NCBI). Result: In AATs, a few animals were used for the various disease or...


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문제 정의

  • 본 연구는 국내, 국외에서 동물을 매개로 실시된 중재, 연구들의 동향을 분석함으로써 향후 동물매개 중재연구에 대한 실증적 근거와 연구방향을 제시하고자 시도되었으며 본 연구에서 분석된 결과를 토대로 다음과 같이 요약하고자 한다.
  • 본 연구는 국내, 외에서 동물을 이용하여 대상자(client)에게 적용한 치유중재연구의 동향을 파악하기 위하여 수행된 논문 고찰 연구(literature review study)이다.
  • 이에 인간과 정서적 교류가 가능한 동물을 매개로 하는 농촌관광 개발사업이 추가된다면 그 수요는 더욱 증가할 것으로 예측된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국내-외 동물매개치유 연구들의 동향을 분석한 후 향후, 국내 적용 가능한 동물매개치유의 실증적 근거와 연구방향을 제시하고자 시도되었다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (77)

  1. Kang, WG. 2014. Effects of Integrative Animal Assisted Therapy on the Self-esteem and Sociability of Children from Low-income Families. Wonkwang university, Master's Thesis. 

  2. Kang, TS. 2005. Comparison Between The Effects on Animal Assisted Therapy and The Effects Psychologicla Treatment Program for Purpose of Reinforcing Protectivw Factor of Juvenile Offenders. Kyonggi University, Master's Thesis. 

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  4. Kim, WS. 2010. The Influences of Outdoor Activities with Companion Dog on Attention of Children with ADHD, Wonkwang university, Master's Thesis. 

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  6. Kim, MJ, Kim, HM, and Cho, SJ. 2007. A study of Planning for the Elderly in Korean Rural Community. Korean Society of Rular Planning, 13(2), 107-120 

  7. Kim, TK. 2013. Companion animals mediated activity program impact on five-years-old infant's emotional intelligenc, Kyonggi University, Master's Thesis. 

  8. Kin, TH, 2011. A study on the Participation of patients with Intellectual Disability in Animal Assisted Therapy, SoongsilUniversity Master's Thesis. 

  9. Ma, YN, Kang, KS, Kim, W, and Kim, OJ. 2011. The Influences of Play Activities with Companion Dog on the SocialI nteraction of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Wonkwang university, Master's Thesis. 

  10. Ma, YN. 2012. The Influences of Animal-Assisted Intervention Program on the Emotion and Social Interaction of Elementary School Students with Withdrawal, Wonkwang university Doctorate Thesis. 

  11. Seo, KO. 2011, The Effects of Animal Assisted Therapy Program Using Therapy Dog for the Hyperactivity of Children with ADHD. Wonkwang university Master's Thesis. 

  12. Song, YN, Kim, JS, Cho, JH, Park, KP, and Kim, CH. 2011. The Effects of Animal-assisted Therapy on Aggression and Depression of Children of Family Violence Women Victims. Korean Journal of Play Therapy, 14(3), 93-105. 

  13. Song, CH. 2009. The effects of horse riding therapy program on depression and sociality of exceptional children, kwangwoon University Master's Thesis. 

  14. Shin, SJ, and Jung, SH. 2000. The effedts of therapy dog-facilitated program on the improvement of social functioning for the schizophrenics. Korea Academy of Mental Health Social Work, 10, 85-112. 

  15. Shin, SJ. 2001. A Study on the Influence of the level of Children's Participation and Mother s Support on the Effectiveness of Therapy Dog Assisted Program for the Autistic Children. Korean Society of Child Wlefare, 12, 9-41. 

  16. An, SB, Hong JE, and Kim WS. 2013. Effect on Social Communication Disability Children Using Hippotherapy Program with a Donkey. Journal of Special Education & Rehabilitation Science, 52(1), 259-278. 

  17. Woo, JK. 2012. Effects of Animal-Assisted Therapy with Companion Dogs on the Social Skills of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Wonkwang university, Master's Thesis. 

  18. Lee, SJK, and Shin, E. 2010. The Effects of Pet Dog-Assisted Activities on Self-Esteem, Depression and Cognitive Function among Elderly People. J Agr Med Commun Health, 35(3), 314-325. 

  19. Lee, IS,, Kim, JS, and Kim SY. 2011. The Effects of Hippotherapy on Spasticity and Muscular Activity in Children with Cerebral Palsy. The Journal of Korean Society of Occupational Therapy, 19(1). 

  20. Lee, JY. 2008. The Effects of the Prison-based Dog Training Program with the Juvenile Prisoners' Aggression and Self-esteem, The Catholic University of Korea, Master's Thesis. 

  21. Lee, JM, Bae, YJ, Kim, TG, Lee JJ, and Suh, K. 2013. Quantitative Effect Evaluation and Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis of Rural Development Projects. Korean Society of Rular Planning, 19(2) : 107-120 

  22. Lee, JS. 2004. The study for the Effect of Interventional Activity Program with Pet Dogs to Change of Social Behaviors of Autistic Early Child, Kangnam University, Master's Thesis. 

  23. Lee, HK, 2012. The Effects of Horse-Assisted Therapy on Improving Behavior in Children with ADHD Symptoms, Pyeongtaek University, Doctor's Thesis. 

  24. Lee, HW, Kim, YJ, and Choi, SM. 2004. A study on Spatial Structure Analysis for Comprehensive Rural Clustered Villages Development Area Using the Space Syntax Method Thehnique. Korean Society of Rular Planning, 10(4), 19-28 

  25. Lim, CS, Choi, SM, and Sim, HW. 2009. An Analysis of Spatial Characteristics in the Center Villages of Hub-Myun Site. Korean Society of Rular Planning, 15(3), 33-45 

  26. Jeong, DY, and Lee SH. 2013, Analysis of the Characteristics of Spatial Composition in Rural Village :Focused on Godeumi Village, Myeongsim Experience Village, Ohbaksa Village. Korean Society of Rular Planning, 19(4), 329-338 

  27. Jung, SG. 2012. The Effects of Animal Assisted Therapy Program on the Blood Pressure and Stress of Hypertension Patients, wonkwang university, Master's Thesis. 

  28. Choi, DY. Lee, HA. Hong, SH. Ma, YN, and Kim, OJ. 2011. Effects of animal assisted activity program of reconition in children with austism. Journal of Life Science and Natural Research, 33(1), 80-86. 

  29. Choi, SY, Sung, CH, Hong, EJ, and Han, SW. 2014. Effects of Animal-Assisted Activity for Korea Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Society of Occupational Therapy for the Aged and Dementia, 8(2), 11-19. 

  30. Choi, SH. 2006. Effects of Dog-Assisted Speech Program on Speech Behavior of Elementary School Children, KeimyungUniversity, Doctor's Thesis. 

  31. Choi, YW, and Kim, YJ. 2013. The Spatial Location Analysis of Rural Village and Amenity Resources. Korean Society of Rular Planning, 19(1) : 81-90 

  32. Her, SY, and Hong, HJ. 2013. A Study about the Effect of Reading Enhancement and the Selfrespect Improvement of Children through an Animal assisted Therapy. Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, 24(3), 181-198. 

  33. Hong, JY, and Kim, HH. 2014 A study on effect of equine facilitated therapy program on self-regulation in children with problem behavior. The Journal of Play Therapy, 18(1), 105-120. 

  34. Abate, S. V., et al, 2011, Impact of Canine-Assisted Ambulation on Hospitalized Chronic Heart Failure Patients' Ambulation Outcomes and Satisfaction A Pilot Study. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 26(3), 224-230. 

  35. Allen, Karen, Barbara E. Shykoff, and Joseph L. Izzo, 2015, Pet ownership, but not ACE inhibitor therapy, blunts home blood pressure responses to mental stress. Hypertension, 38.4, 815-820. 

  36. Araujo, T. B., et al, 2011, Effect of equine-assisted therapy on the postural balance of the elderly. Revista Brasileira De Fisioterapia, 15(5), 414-419. 

  37. Banks, M. R. and W. A. Banks, 2002, The effects of animal-assisted therapy on loneliness in an elderly population in long-term care facilities. Journals of Gerontology Series a-Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 57(7), 428-432. 

  38. Banks, M. R., et al, 2008, Animal-assisted therapy and loneliness in nursing homes: Use of robotic versus living dogs. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 9(3), 173-177. 

  39. Barker, S. B., et al, 2005, Measuring stress and immune response in healthcare professionals following interaction with a therapy dog: A pilot study. Psychological Reports, 96(3), 713-729. 

  40. Barker, S. B., et al, 2003, Effects of animal-assisted therapy on patients' anxiety, fear, and depression before ECT. Journal of Ect, 19(1), 38-44. 

  41. Beinotti, F., et al, 2010, Use of hippotherapy in gait training for hemiparetic post-stroke. Arquivos De Neuro-Psiquiatria, 68(6), 908-913. 

  42. Berry, A., et al, 2012, Developing effective animal-assisted intervention programs involving visiting dogs for institutionalized geriatric patients: a pilot study. Psychogeriatrics, 12(3), 143-150. 

  43. Calcaterra, V., et al, 2015, Post-Operative Benefits of Animal-Assisted Therapy in Pediatric Surgery: A Randomised Study, 10(6). 

  44. Casady, R. and D. Nichols-Larsen, 2004, The effect of hippotherapy on ten children with cerebral palsy. Pediatric physical therapy: the official publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American. Physical Therapy Association, 16(3), 165. 

  45. Chu, C.-I., et al, 2009, The Effect of Animal-Assisted Activity on Inpatients with Schizophrenia. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 47(12), 42-48. 

  46. Coakley, A. B., & Mahoney, E. K, 2009, Creating a therapeutic and healing environment with a pet therapy program. Complementary therapies in clinical practice, 15(3), 141-146. 

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  48. Colombo, G., et al, 2006, Pet therapy and institutionalized elderly: A study on 144 cognitively unimpaired subjects. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 42(2), 207-216. 

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  52. Elmaci, D. T. and S. Cevizci, 2015, Dog-Assisted Therapies and Activities in Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy and Physical and Mental Disabilities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(5), 5046-5060. 

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  55. Friesen, L, 2010, Exploring animal-assisted programs with children in school and therapeutic contexts. Early Childhood Education Journal, 37(4), 261-267. 

  56. Giagazoglou, P., et al, 2012, Effect of a hippotherapy intervention program on static balance and strength in adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(6), 2265-2270. 

  57. Giagazoglou, P., et al, 2013, Muscle reaction function of individuals with intellectual disabilities may be improved through therapeutic use of a horse. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(9), 2442-2448. 

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  60. Le Roux, M. C. and R. Kemp, 2009, Effect of a companion dog on depression and anxiety levels of elderly residents in a long-term care facility. Psychogeriatrics, 9(1), 23-26. 

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  65. Motooka, M., et al, 2006, Effect of dog-walking on autonomic nervous activity in senior citizens. Medical Journal of Australia, 184(2), 60-63. 

  66. Nordgren, L. and G. Engstroem, 2014, Animal-Assisted Intervention in Dementia: Effects on Quality of Life. Clinical Nursing Research, 23(1), 7-19. 

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  68. O'Haire, M. E., et al, 2013, Effects of Animal-Assisted Activities with Guinea Pigs in the Primary School Classroom. Anthrozoos, 26(3), 445-458. 

  69. O'Haire, M. E., et al. 2014. Effects of Classroom Animal-Assisted Activities on Social Functioning in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Altern Complement Med 20(3), 162-168. 

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  76. Wohlfarth, R., et al, 2013, Dogs motivate obese children for physical activity: key elements of a motivational theory of animal-assisted interventions. Frontiers in Psychology, 13(1), 45-57. 

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