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NTIS 바로가기KSBB Journal, v.31 no.3, 2016년, pp.165 - 170
손혜련 (전남대학교 바이오전자메디컬협동과정) , 오선경 (전남대학교 바이오전자메디컬협동과정) , (일본 이와테대학교 농학부 응용생물화학과정) , 최명락 (전남대학교 바이오전자메디컬협동과정)
This study was carried out for investigate that physiological activity, quantification and qualitative were sinigrin of Dolsan leaf mustard pickle (DLMP) during storage. sinigrin contains high amounts of nutritional and medicinal compounds, which are important for maintaining optimum health. ACE inh...
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