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문제 정의
However, effect of main environmental condition including light spectra on growth of tiger puffer is no information until now. The aim of the present study is to suggest an effective rearing conditions in tiger puffer aquaculture farm using the ability of light spectra adaptation. We investigate the impact of artificial different light spectra on the somatic growth the rearing tiger puffer and analyze the expression of growth-related genes in each brain and pituitary.
대상 데이터
Tiger puffer for the present study were obtained from Tham-Ra Fishery located in Seogwipo, Jeju, South Korea and kept in rearing tank at Marine Science Institute, Jeju National University. Fish were reared under natural photo- period and water temperature conditions in indoor tank and fed commercial pellets (Daehan co.
Statistical differences among means were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan's multiple range test.
1). Initial fish BW was no different between three groups, but BW of green and blue light conditions groups were more increased than red light condition after 4 weeks. After that, BW of green light condition was steadily maintained significantly more high levels than red light condition until final weeks.
After 8 weeks, the ss1 mRNA of red light condition was shown significantly (P<0.05) high expression than other experimental groups and ss1 mRNA expression of green light condition was lowest than other groups at 8 weeks (Fig. 2A).
It suggest that red wavelength affects in growth retardation by promoting activation of ss expression. Therefore, artificial green light wavelength is suggest more effective on the growth stimulation than red light wavelength in tiger puffer aqua-farm system, but further studies are needed to clarify the mechanism of light spectra with growth endocrine system.
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