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4현시 철도신호체계에서 KTX 및 일반열차의 5현시 신호체계 운행을 위한 시스템 개선방안
Improvement of Railway Signaling System for KTX and Conventional Trains Operated on a Five-Display Signal System Under a Four-Display Signaling System 원문보기

제어·로봇·시스템학회 논문지 = Journal of institute of control, robotics and systems, v.22 no.2, 2016년, pp.162 - 169  

이시빈 (한국철도공사 신호제어처) ,  유준 (충남대학교 전자공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Gyeong-bu railway line in Korea between Seoul and Cheon-an was built as two double tracks. A four-display signaling system, only for the metro line, was installed on the second double track so KTX and conventional trains can only operate on the first double track. This study suggests a method to all...


참고문헌 (9)

  1. Y. Kim, Signaling Control System, 1st Ed., Techmedia, Korea, 2003. 

  2. J. Park, Railway Signal Engineering, 1st Ed, Dongil Publishing Company, Korea, 2001. 

  3. B. Kim and S. An, Compendium on Train Operation Theory, Iljinsa, Korea, 2010. 

  4. P. Winter, Compendium on ERTMS, Eurail Press, Germany, 2009. 

  5. P. Stanley, ETCS for Engineers, Eurail Press, Germany, 2011. 

  6. M. Kim, "The influence of coupling coefficient between wayside transmitter and on-board receiver upon operation characteristics of the ATS system," International Journal of Railway, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 12-18. 2011. 

  7. D. Yang, "A research of operating of ATS/ATC system for bundang metropolitan train line," Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, pp. 585-590, 2014. 

  8. Y. Go, "Interoperable system construction with urban signalling system (ATS) for train control system," Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, pp. 204-210, 2011. 

  9. KORAIL, Regulation of Train Operation, Detailed Rule of Train Operation, Detailed Rule of Train Operation for Metro, Enactment 2005, Revision 2015. 

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