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Meat Quality and Physicochemical Trait Assessments of Berkshire and Commercial 3-way Crossbred Pigs 원문보기

Korean journal for food science of animal resources = 한국축산식품학회지, v.36 no.5, 2016년, pp.641 - 649  

Subramaniyan, Sivakumar Allur (Department of Animal Biotechnology, Chonbuk National University) ,  Kang, Da Rae (Department of Animal Biotechnology, Chonbuk National University) ,  Belal, Shah Ahmed (Department of Animal Biotechnology, Chonbuk National University) ,  Cho, Eun-So-Ri (Department of Animal Biotechnology, Chonbuk National University) ,  Jung, Jong-Hyun (Jung P&C Institute) ,  Jung, Young-Chul (Jung P&C Institute) ,  Choi, Yang-Il (Department of Animal Biotechnology, Chungbuk National University) ,  Shim, Kwan-Seob (Department of Animal Biotechnology, Chonbuk National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, we compared qualities and physiochemical traits of meat from Berkshire (black color) pigs with those of meat from 3-way Landrace (white color) × Yorkshire (white color) × Duroc (red color) crossbred pigs (LYD). Meat quality characteristics, including pH, color, drip loss, co...


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  • USA) held directly in the muscle. Three color (L*, a*, b*) coordinate measurements were performed at three different locations on bloomed cut surfaces of meat sample blocks using D65 illuminant and 10° observations via a film lid using a Konica Minolta spectrophotometer (CM-2500d; UK). Color was expressed according to the Commission International de l’Eclairage (CIE) system and was reported as CIE L* (lightness), a* (redness), and b* (yellowness).


  • (2012). Drip loss was measured using the gravimetric method described by Honikel (1998). Briefly, samples (20 × 20 × 20 mm) were trimmed and weighed before placement in an inflated plastic bag and were then hung for 48 h at 4℃.
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참고문헌 (45)

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