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[국내논문] Compact LTCC LPF Chip for Microwave Radar Sensor Applications 원문보기

Journal of sensor science and technology = 센서학회지, v.26 no.6, 2017년, pp.386 - 390  

Lee, Young Chul (Division of Marine Mechatronics, College of Maritime Sciences, Mokpo National Maritime Unversity)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A $5^{th}$-order low-pass filter (LPF) chip implemented in a six-layer low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) dielectric substrate has been presented. Lumped elements constituting the LPF are designed three-dimensionally in multilayers. In order to improve the parasitic and mutual coupli...


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제안 방법

  • 01 dB. To improve its return loss characteristics, the values of the elements were modified. The final modified circuit and its designed results are presented in Fig.
  • After the design of 3D lumped elements, they are placed in a confined space of the multilayer LTCC substrate and are interconnected in the LPF circuit configuration for a 3D LPF implementation. However, its 3D EM simulation results are different from its circuit ones, because of parasitic effects of each element and mutual coupling effects between the elements.

대상 데이터

  • The designed 3D LPF chip was fabricated in a six-layer LTCC substrate as small as 4.0 × 3.22 × 0.68 mm3 .
  • The designed 3D LPF was fabricated in a six-layer LTCC substrate using low-loss dielectric and low-resistive metal. The nominal relative dielectric constant of the dielectric was 7.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (15)

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  3. Jang, B. J., Wi, S. H., Yook, J. G., Lee, M. Q., and Lee, K. J., "Wireless bio-radar sensor for heartbeat and respiration detection", Progress In Electromagnetics Research, C 5, pp.149-168, 2008. 

  4. Polivka, Jiri. "An overview of microwave sensor technology", High Frequency Electronics, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp.32-42, 2007. 

  5. Lee, Young Chul, and Chul Soon Park, "LTCC-based monolithic system-in-package (SiP) module for millimeterwave applications", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 26, No.9, pp. 803-811, 2016. 

  6. Lee, Young Chul, and Chul Soon Park, "A fully embedded 60-GHz novel BPF for LTCC system-in-package applications", IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 804-809, 2006. 

  7. Yu, Z. J., Xu, Z., Deng, Y. K., and Zhang, Z. G., "An overall ltcc package solution for x-band tile t/r module", Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 38 pp. 181-192, 2013. 

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  9. Sim, S. H., Kang, C. Y., Choi, J. W., Choi, H. W., Yoon, Y. J., Yoon, S. J., and Kim, H. J., "A compact lumped-element lowpass filter using low temperature cofired ceramic technology", Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 23, No. 14, pp. 2717-2720, 2003. 

  10. Jun-Hwan Park, Seong-Jong Cheon, "A Compact LTCC Dual-Band WLAN Filter using Two Notch Resonators", Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Vol. 8 No. 1, pp. 168-175, 2013. 

  11. Hsieh, Lung-Hwa, and Steve Dai, "Miniaturized LTCC elliptic-function lowpass filters with wide stopbands", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 57, No. 8, pp. 1956-1957, 2015. 

  12. Hayati, Mohsen, and Farzin Shama, "A Compact Lowpass Filter with Ultra Wide Stopband using Stepped Impedance Resonator", Radioengineering, Vol.26, No. 1, pp. 269-274, 2017. 

  13. Yang, Mao-ya, Xiang-zhi Chen, and Yong-sheng Dai, "The research of cascaded band-pass filter with high performance based on LTCC", IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Vol. 2, 2015. 

  14. Dai, Steve, and Lung-Hwa Hsieh, "Miniature Low-Pass Filters in Low-Loss 9k7 LTCC", Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 325-328, 2015. 

  15. http://www.cst.com 

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