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신경회로망을 이용한 마이크로그리드 단기 전력부하 예측
Short-Term Load Forecast in Microgrids using Artificial Neural Networks 원문보기

전기학회논문지 = The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, v.66 no.4, 2017년, pp.621 - 628  

정대원 () ,  양승학 (호남대 공대 전기공학과) ,  유용민 (호남대학교 미래자동차공학부) ,  윤근영

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper presents an artificial neural network (ANN) based model with a back-propagation algorithm for short-term load forecasting in microgrid power systems. Owing to the significant weather factors for such purpose, relevant input variables were selected in order to improve the forecasting accur...


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제안 방법

  • In this paper, we propose new ANN-based architectural model for STLF in the microgrids by applying new distributed-intelligence technologies, which are expected to be incorporated into different components of the grid. The back-propagation algorithm is proposed an ANN methodology in order to increase the accuracy of the forecast result in case of irregular weather conditions such as typhoons and weekends during the summer season.
  • This study also shows numerically that there is a close relationship between forecast errors and the number of training patterns used; thus, it is necessary to carefully select the training data to be employed with the system. This demonstration is backed up by a detailed database containing real information of load curves disaggregated up to microgrid level running for the future.
  • Accurate forecasting in a microgrid will depend on the variables employed and the way they are presented to the ANN. This study also shows numerically that there is a close relationship between forecast errors and the number of training patterns used; thus, it is necessary to carefully select the training data to be employed with the system. This demonstration is backed up by a detailed database containing real information of load curves disaggregated up to microgrid level running for the future.

대상 데이터

  • 5. It has 63 input neurons, 70 hidden neurons, and 24 output neurons. Table 2 defines the input and output of the neural network.


  • For such purpose, relevant input variables were selected in order to improve the accuracy of forecasting, we not only used weather factors but also a seasonal approach. For recognizing the significant weather factors, the proposed model used the correlation coefficient. Temperature and dew point were selected by the result of the correlation analysis.


  • An ANN-based model was proposed in this paper for short-term load forecasting in disaggregated, microgrid-sized power systems by incorporating back-propagation algorithm. For such purpose, relevant input variables were selected in order to improve the accuracy of forecasting, we not only used weather factors but also a seasonal approach.
  • The best results were obtained with a total of 70 neurons in the hidden layer, the Bayesian Regulation Back-propagation training function and the Sum Squared Error network performance function. The proposed architecture is trained by using a back propagation algorithm [4,16] with Matlab SIMULINK NN Toolbox. The performance of the proposed neural network based STLF model was tested using hourly load data.
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참고문헌 (16)

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