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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Process variation effect on arch-structured gate stacked array (GSTAR) 3-D NAND flash is investigated. In case of arch-structured GSTAR, a shape of the arch channel is depending on an alignment of photo-lithography. Channel width fluctuates according to the channel hole alignment. When a shape of ch...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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가설 설정

  • According to the Fig. 3(a)-(c), the more the channel is deficient to the shape of a circle, the better the program efficiency, although the on current decreases due to its shorter channel width. Fig.
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참고문헌 (14)

  1. H. Tanaka, et al, "Bit Cost Scalable Technology with Punch and Plug Process for Ultra High Density Flash Memory," IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology, 12-14, pp.14-15, Jun., 2007. 

  2. J. Jang, et al, "Vertical Cell Array using TCAT (Terabit Cell Array Transistor) Technology for Ultra High Density NAND Flash Memory," IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology, 16-18, pp.192-193, Jun., 2009. 

  3. J.-G. Yun, et al, "Single-Crystalline Si STacked ARray (STAR) NAND Flash Memory," IEEE Tansactions on Electron Devices, Vol.58, No.4, pp.1006-1014, Apr., 2011. 

  4. Y. Kim, et al, "Three-Dimensional NAND Flash Memory Based on Single-Crystalline Channel Stacked Array," IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol.34, No.8, pp.990-992, Aug., 2013. 

  5. S. H. Park, et al, "Vertical-Channel STacked ARray (VCSTAR) for 3D NAND flash memory," Solid-State Electronics, Vol.78, pp.34-38, Dec., 2012. 

  6. D.-B. Kim, et al, "Investigation of Three Dimensional NAND Flash Memory Based on Gate STacked ARray (GSTAR)," Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, 9-10, pp.5-6, Jun., 2013. 

  7. M.-H. Baek, et al, "Comparison of Gate STacked ARray (GSTAR) with Arch and Ultra-Thin Body (UTB) Structured Single Cell," The 29th International Technical Conference on Circuit/Systems Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), 1-4, pp.121-123, Jul., 2014. 

  8. A. C. Westerheim, et al, "Substrate bias effects in high-aspect-ratio SiO2 contact etching using an inductively coupled plasma reactor," Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, Vol.13, No.3, pp.853-858, May, 1995. 

  9. C. Liu and B. A.-Shrauner, "Plasma-Etching Profile Model for SiO2 Contact Holes," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol.30, No.4, pp.1579-1586, Aug., 2002. 

  10. R. Li, et al, "Continuous deep reactive ion etching of tapered via holes for three-dimensional integration," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol.18, No.12, p.125023, Nov., 2008. 

  11. W. Kim, et al, "Arch NAND Flash Memory Array With Improved Virtual Source/Drain Performance," IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol.31, No.12, pp. 1374-1376, Dec., 2010. 

  12. J. H. Lee, et al, "Investigation of Field Concentration Effects in Arch Gate Silicon-Oxide-Nitride-Oxide-Silicon Flash Memory," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.49, No.11, pp.1142021-1142026, Nov., 2010. 

  13. Y.-H. Hsiao, et al, "A Critical Examination of 3D Stackable NAND Flash Memory Architectures by Simulation Study of the Scaling Capability," IEEE International Memory Workshop, 16-19, pp.1-4, May, 2010. 

  14. J. Fu, et al, "Polycrystalline Si Nanowire SONOS Nonvolatile Memory Cell Fabricated on a Gate-All-Around (GAA) Channel Architecture," IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol.30, No.3, pp.246-249, Mar., 2009. 

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