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[국내논문] 이차전지용 파우치 필름의 합지 조건에 따른 알루미늄 층과 실런트 층 간 물성조사
Evaluation of the Properties between Aluminum Layer and Sealant Layer according to the Lamination Conditions of Pouch film for Secondary battery

한국정밀공학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, v.34 no.5, 2017년, pp.337 - 341  

조정민 ((주)탑앤씨 기술연구소) ,  김도현 ((주)탑앤씨 기술연구소) ,  유민숙 ((주)탑앤씨 기술연구소) ,  배성우 ((주)탑앤씨 기술연구소) ,  김동수 ((주)탑앤씨 기술연구소)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, the intention is the determination of the optimum laminate conditions for the improvement of the chemical resistance of the aluminum-pouch films that are widely used as a packaging material for the secondary battery. Here, the properties including the initial adhesive strength and the...


참고문헌 (8)

  1. Tarascon, J.-M., Armand, M.. Issues and challenges facing rechargeable lithium batteries. Nature, vol.414, no.6861, 359-367.

  2. Palacín, M. Rosa. Recent advances in rechargeable battery materials: a chemist’s perspective. Chemical Society reviews, vol.38, no.9, 2565-2575.

  3. Li, X., Choe, S.Y., Joe, W.T.. A reduced order electrochemical and thermal model for a pouch type lithium ion polymer battery with LiNixMnyCo1-x-yO2/LiFePO4 blended cathode. Journal of power sources, vol.294, 545-555.

  4. Sahraei, E., Hill, R., Wierzbicki, T.. Calibration and finite element simulation of pouch lithium-ion batteries for mechanical integrity. Journal of power sources, vol.201, 307-321.

  5. Kim, Kwang Man, Kim, Jin-Chul, Park, Nam-Gyu, Ryu, Kwang Sun, Chang, Soon Ho. Capacity and cycle performance of a lithium-ion polymer battery using commercially available LiNiCoO2. Journal of power sources, vol.123, no.1, 69-74.

  6. Kim, Ui Seong, Shin, Chee Burm, Kim, Chi-Su. Modeling for the scale-up of a lithium-ion polymer battery. Journal of power sources, vol.189, no.1, 841-846.

  7. Hofmann, A., Hanemann, T.. Novel electrolyte mixtures based on dimethyl sulfone, ethylene carbonate and LiPF6 for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of power sources, vol.298, 322-330.

  8. Xia, F., Xu, S.A.. Effect of surface pre-treatment on the hydrophilicity and adhesive properties of multilayered laminate used for lithium battery packaging. Applied surface science, vol.268, 337-342.

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