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[국내논문] 현대 하위문화 패션의 조형 특성과 그레마스 기호사각형을 통한 의미 해석
A Study of the Formative Characteristics and Meaning in Contemporary Fashion Subculture Using the Greimas Semiotic Square

服飾 = Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, v.67 no.8, 2017년, pp.80 - 99  

백효연 (연세대학교 대학원 생활디자인학과) ,  이지현 (연세대학교 생활디자인학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

When a specific fashion style is collectively adopted, it creates a cultural group-a subculture. The act of creating a specific fashion style in the subculture is the act of stylization, the building of its own symbols and rules through fashion. Therefore, studying fashion subculture means studying ...


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