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[국내논문] Comparison of the effects of muscle stretching exercises and cupping therapy on pain thresholds, cervical range of motion and angle: a cross-over study 원문보기

Physical therapy rehabilitation science, v.6 no.2, 2017년, pp.83 - 89  

Yim, Jongeun (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Science and Social Welfare, Sahmyook University) ,  Park, Junhyuck (Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health and Welfare, Yeungnam University College) ,  Kim, Hongseop (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Science and Social Welfare, Sahmyook University) ,  Woo, Juyeon (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Science and Social Welfare, Sahmyook University) ,  Joo, Soyeong (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Science and Social Welfare, Sahmyook University) ,  Lee, Sumin (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Science and Social Welfare, Sahmyook University) ,  Song, Jewon (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Science and Social Welfare, Sahmyook University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective: Computers and smartphones have become a necessity for modern people, and the use of these things in an inappropriate position has increased the number of people who complain about neck problems. The purpose of this study was to compare the changes of cervical angle, range of motion (ROM) ...


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  • 3. The right hand was placed on the opposite side shoulder and head-turning was performed sin a sitting position. This was repeated in the opposite direction.
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참고문헌 (27)

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