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실내 내장형 공기순환기를 이용한 헬스 체크 솔루션에 관한 연구
A Study on Health Check Solution using Indoor Air Purifier 원문보기

한국사물인터넷학회 논문지 = Journal of the Korea Internet of Things Society, v.3 no.1, 2017년, pp.25 - 31  

양희탁 (백석대학교 정보통신학부) ,  오지수 (백석대학교 정보통신학부) ,  이근호 (백석대학교 정보통신학부)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

미래형 신도시와 최신 아파트들이 건설되며 일반 가정 실내에도 IoT기술이 대거 접목되어 구축된다. 그중 사람들을 쾌적하게 해주는 공기순환기도 내장되어 건설되는데, 공기순환기의 공기를 흡입하는 흡입구와 배출하는 배출구는 실내 곳곳에 설치되어진다. 하지만 이는 중앙 스위치로 on / off 밖에 없기에 조절이 불가능하다. 또한 막심한 전기소모로 인한 다량의 전기세가 나오도록 하며 많은 전기소모는 결국 자원낭비로 이루어진다. 이를 보완하고자 실내 내장형 공기청정기에 미세먼지 감지 장치를 통하여 조절되며 구동되도록 만들어 전기를 절약하는 솔루션을 제안한다. 더불어 배출구는 실내 곳곳에 존재하기에 사람의 위치를 파악하여 홈 네트워크와 연결하여 편의성을 높여주거나 기체분석을 통하여 사용자의 건강을 체크하고 적절히 조절하는 헬스체크 솔루션을 함께 제안한다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In the future a future type new city and the latest apartment will be built, and the IoT technology will be constructed and combined in large numbers indoors of ordinary households. An air cleaner that makes people in it comfortable is built in, and the suction port that sucks in the air of the air ...


참고문헌 (15)

  1. Hyun-Jhin Lee, "Service Vision and Design Issues of Mobile based Internet of Things for Smart Home service - Focused on Apple's Home Kit Framework", Journal of Digital Design Vol.14 No.4 / 2014.10. 

  2. Dong-Yoon Kim, "Evaluation and Direction of the New Town Development in Korea", Journal of the Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association Vol.13 No.2 / 2013. 6. 

  3. Gyeonggi Urban Innovation Corporation, http://www.gico.or.kr/index.do 

  4. Woo-Seog Song, Hyeong-Joon Seo, Young-Jae Kim, "Effect on Air Cleaning Speed according to Air - flow Pattern of Indoor Air Cleaner in Residential Space", The Society Of Air-Conditioning And Refrigerating Engineers Of Korea : Winter conference pp.181-184 / 2014. 11. 

  5. Seong-Soo Hong, Ji-Yeon Kim, "A Study on a Guideline for Sustainable Designin Developing Air Cleaners", Journal of Digital Design Vol.9 No.4 / 2009. 10. 

  6. Ji-Yeon Kim, Seong-Soo Hong, "A Study on Air Cleaner Design Development Adopting Sustainability", Journal of Digital Design Vol.10 No.3 / 2010. 7. 

  7. Airpass, http://www.myairpass.com/index.php 

  8. Jae-Oh Han, Young-Saeng Kim, Jin-Yong Mo, Jai-Kwon Lee, "Analysis of Indoor Air - flow with Air Cleaners", The Society Of Air-Conditioning And Refrigerating Engineers Of Korea : Winter conference pp.57-62 / 2005. 11. 

  9. Jong-Il Choe, Young-Soo Lee, "A Study on the Impact of PM2.5 Emissions on Respiratory Diseases", Journal of Environmental Policy and Administration Vol.23 No.4 / 2015. 12. 

  10. Kyung-Su Jang, Jun-Ho Yeo, "The Effects of Korean and Chinese Economic Growth on Particulate Matter in Korea: Time Series Cointegration Analysis", Journal of Environmental Policy and Administration Vol.23 No.1 / 2015. 3. 

  11. Yung-Wook Kim, Hyun-Seung Lee, You-Jin Jang, Hye-Jin Lee, "How Does Media Construct Particulate Matter Risks : A News rame and Source Analysis on Particulate Matter Risks", Korean Journal of Journalism Communication Studies Vol.59 No.2 / 2015. 4. 

  12. Seoul Environmental Information System, http://cleanair.seoul.go.kr/main.htm 

  13. San-Gik Lee, Jin-Kook Lee, "isualiation of the Comparison between Airborne Dust Concentration Data of Indoor Rooms on a Building Model", Jounal of the Korean Housing Association Vol.26 No.4 / 2015. 8. 

  14. Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), http://home.kepco.co.kr/kepco/main.do 

  15. Dong-In Kim, Ho-Jin Lee, Dong-Gyu Ahn, "A Study on the Injection Molding Characteristics of Small-size Air Cleaner Housing Using Three-dimensional Injection Molding Analysis", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers : Spring and Autumn Conference pp.2908-2909 / 2015. 11. 

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