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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, we show that there exists an optimal investment policy for the surplus in a risk model, in which the surplus is continuously invested to other business at a constant rate a > 0, whenever the level of the surplus exceeds a given threshold V > 0. We assign, to the risk model, two costs,...


참고문헌 (9)

  1. Cho EY, Choi SK, and Lee EY (2013). Transient and stationary analyses of the surplus in a risk model, Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods, 20, 475-480. 

  2. Cho YH, Choi SK, and Lee EY (2016). Stationary distribution of the surplus process in a risk model with a continuous type investment, Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods, 23, 423-432. 

  3. Dickson DCM and Willmot GE (2005). The density of the time to ruin in the classical Poisson risk model, ASTIN Bulletin, 35, 45-60. 

  4. Dufresne F and Gerber HU (1991). Risk theory for the compound Poisson process that is perturbed by diffusion, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 10, 51-59. 

  5. Gerber HU (1990). When does the surplus reach a given target?, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 9, 115-119. 

  6. Gerber HU and Shiu ESW (1997). The joint distribution of the time of ruin, the surplus immediately before ruin, and the deficit at ruin, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 21, 129-137. 

  7. Klugman SA, Panjer HH, and Willmot GE (2004). Loss Models: From Data to Decisions (2nd ed), John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ. 

  8. Lim SE, Choi SK, and Lee EY (2016). An optimal management policy for the surplus process with investments, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 29, 1165-1172. 

  9. Ross SM (1996). Stochastic Processes (2nd ed), John Wiley & Sons, New York. 

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