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한방소아과학회지에 출판된 임상연구논문에 대한 분석
Trend Analysis of Clinical Studies Published in the Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine 원문보기

大韓韓方小兒科學會誌 = The journal of pediatrics of Korean medicine, v.32 no.4, 2018년, pp.141 - 162  

양두화 (대구한의대학교 한의과대학 한방재활의학과교실) ,  박장경 (상지대학교 한의과대학 부인과학교실) ,  성현경 (세명대학교 한의과대학 소아과학교실) ,  성수현 (한약진흥재단 정책본부 미래정책팀)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives The purpose of this study is to provide evidence of traditional Korean medicine treatment in children and adolescents by reviewing previous studies published in the journal of pediatrics of Korean medicine. Methods We have reviewed clinical studies of children and adolescents in the journ...


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문제 정의

  • 이에 한방소아과학회지에 게재된 임상연구 중 질병에 대해 한의치료가 이루어진 연구논문을 조사하여, 소아의 한방치료와 관련된 임상연구 동향을 파악하여 향후 연구수행을 위한 기초자료로 활용되는데 기여하고자 한다
  • 저자들은 소아의 한방치료와 관련된 임상연구 동향을 파악하고자 한방소아과학회지에 게재된 임상연구 중 질병에 대해 한의치료가 이루어진 연구논문을 조사하였다. 대한한방소아과학회지는 1986년부터 2018년 현재까지 대한한방소아과학회의 주관으로 발간되며 현재는 연 4회 출판되고 있다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?


핵심어 질문 논문에서 추출한 답변
한의학 관련 치료법에는 어떤 것이 있는가? 본 연구에서는 질환을 막론하고, 소아 환자를 대상 으로 포함한 임상연구 중에서 한의학 관련 치료법을 사용한 경우를 대상으로 하였다. 한의학 관련 치료법은 침, 전침, 약침, 한약, 뜸, 부항, 상담 등 한의의료기관에서 사용하고 있는 모든 치료법으로 간주하였다. 
보건의료체계에서 한의학의 담당? 한의학은 축적된 역사적 근거를 바탕으로 건강유지, 질병예방, 질병치료에 있어 국가 보건의료체계의 한축을 담당해오고 있다1,2). 근래 근거중심의학의 대두에 따라 한의계는 근거에 기반한 환자 치료 표준화와 보편화에 대한 요구를 지속적으로 받고 있으며, 이와 같은 시대적 요구에 순응하여 한의학계에서도 양질의 근거를 축적하기 위한 임상연구가 활발히 이루어지고 있다3,4).
한의학이 소아 질환의 예방과 치료에 부합되는 이유? 소아는 태생기부터 성인에 이르기 전까지의 시기로, 성인과 다른 소아 특유의 생리와 병리 소견을 보인다6). 한의학은 인체를 전일체로 보며, 治未病하는 사상에 기반하여7), 자발적이고 능동적인 예방과 섭생을 중시한다. 이러한 특징은 학령기 아동과 청소년을 포함한 소아 질환의 예방과 치료에 부합한다.
질의응답 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (106)

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  35. Yoo CK, Lee YJ. A case report of systemic type juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with fever and eruption. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2009;23(1):73-83. 

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  45. Son MJ, Han JK, Kim YH. Two cases report of epileptic children diagnosed as Sik-gan. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2010;24(2):22-30. 

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  55. Park SK, Kim CY, Chang GT. A case report on Krabbe disease patient with oriental medicine. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2011;25(2):1-7. 

  56. Ryu SH, Kim OY, Park GH, Choi SW, Chae JW. A case report of a child with mycoplasma pneumonia. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2011;25(2):88-93. 

  57. Suk YH, Min SY, Kim JH. A clinical study on the effects of Jungjangyobup on 5 constipation children. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2011;25(3):27-34. 

  58. Sung HK, Kim JH, Min SY. A case report of delayed healing in femoral shaft fractured child. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2011;25(1):63-71. 

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  60. Hong HS, Lee JY, Kim DG. Analysis of factors enhancing growth effect of Boyangsungjang-tang. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2012;26(2):62-71. 

  61. Hwangbo M, Jeong MJ, Seo HS. A case report of child with alopecia areata. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2012; 26(2):47-52. 

  62. Jo MS, Han JK, Kim YH. The clinical study on 121 traffic accident child patients. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2012;26(2):35-46. 

  63. Kim KJ, Lee JS, Yoon JH, Ryu BH, Paik HY. The weight gain effects of the Bofesungjangjeungbo-tang (Bufeichengzhangzengbu-tang) on under-weight Korean preschool children with frequent common cold or chronic rhinitis - Analysis of medical records -. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2012;26(4):44-50. 

  64. Ko MJ, Baek JH. A clinical study on the effect of Hwangryunhaedock-tang on atopic dermatitis. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2012;26(4):51-60. 

  65. Lee JH, Yu SA, Lee SY. A case report of allergic purpura. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2012;26(3):12-9. 

  66. Lee SH, Kim CY, Chang GT. Assessment of herbal treatment in appetite improvement of anorexia children using Korean children's eating behaviour questionnaire (K-CEBQ). J Pediatr Korean Med. 2012;26(1):60-9. 

  67. Min DL, Chang SJ, Park EJ. A case report of treating childhood psoriasis by Danguieumja-gagambang and external treatments. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2012;26(3):20-9. 

  68. Park SK, Kim CY, Chang GT. Report for seven cases on patients with chronic epistaxis treated by Aguajinuktanggamibang. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2012;26(3):55-63. 

  69. Park JM, Yu SH, Chae JW. A case report of cervical radiculopathy. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2012;26(4):71-6. 

  70. Suk YH, Min SY, Kim JH. A clinical study on the effects of extravascular laser system on osgood-schlatter disease. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2012;26(4):77-83. 

  71. Ju BH, Choi YK, Yu SA, Lee SY. A case report on child with different types of alopecia. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2013;27(3):53-64. 

  72. Kang KY, Ahn TW, Han JK. The effect of balneotherapy on obesity index and body composition on obese children. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2013;27(3):29-40. 

  73. Kim EJ, Min SY, Kim JH. A case report regarding a treatment includes lots of different version of Samchulkunbi-tang to two pediatric patients diagnosed as sik-gan. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2013;27(4):1-9. 

  74. Ko MJ, Baek JH, Kim SY. The effect of herbal medicine to treat digestive system problem on the children's growth. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2013;27(4):50-6. 

  75. Lee JH, Yu SA, Lee SY. Five case reports on peripheral facial palsy in children. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2013; 27(3):20-8. 

  76. Lim YK, Min SR, Kim HM, Hur KW, Lee H, Lee JS, Kim HC, Park JW, Park HJ. Comparisons of effects of Biman-tang according to administration period in childhood obesity. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2013;27(4):57-67. 

  77. Park JM, Choi SW, Chae JW. A case report of hands and feet hyperhidrosis. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2013;27(4):68-76. 

  78. Ryu SH, Chae JW. A case report of early onset - essential tremor. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2013;27(1):1-6. 

  79. Yoo CK, Lee YJ. A case report of oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis with oriental medication and DMARDs & NSAIDs tapering. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2013;27(4):31-8. 

  80. Han JH, Kim DG, Lee JY. A case report: The measurement results of Duchenne muscular dystrophy patient using Sensitiv imagoTM and Ryodoraku. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2014;28(3):74-84. 

  81. Jeong AR, Kim Kb, Cheon JH. A case report of neonatal brachial plexus palsy. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2014;28(1):14-23. 

  82. Kang KH, Park EJ. A case report of epileptic children diagnosed as simple partial seizures, infantile spasms and absence seizures. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2014;28(1):61-70. 

  83. Kang KY, Lee HL, Han JK, Kim YH. A clinical study on children and adolescents who visited the hospital of Korean medicine for 284-peripheral facial palsy. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2014;28(4):45-63. 

  84. Kang KH, Park EJ. A case report of tic disorder children treated by Kuibiondam-tang gami. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2014;28(4):118-24. 

  85. Kim BNR, Park JM, Chae JW. A case report of allergic purpura. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2014;28(4):108-17. 

  86. Lim YK, Hur KW, Park SY, Suh KS, Chun SY, Lee SJ, Lee H, Kim HC. A case report of precocious puberty in a female patient: Significant improvement in controlling the sex hormone levels. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2014;28(4):64-70. 

  87. Min DL, Han MH, Park G, Seo S, Han SR. Retrospective study about the effectiveness of a Korean medicine treatment on 69 infant and young child atopic dermatitis patients. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2014;28(3):17-30. 

  88. Shin MR, Oh JA, Lee DN. 6 cases of atopic dermatitis children patients for hospitalization program. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2014;28(2):40-55. 

  89. Sung HK, Seo KS, Son CG. A observational study on children with atopic dermatitis in atopic-free village. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2014;28(1):1-6. 

  90. Yu SA. A case report of child with brachial plexus palsy due to birth injury. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2014;28(1):24-31. 

  91. Kang KH, Lee SJ, Park EJ. The clinical study of night crying and night terror in children after traffic accidents. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2015;29(4):90-6. 

  92. Kim EJ, Min SY, Kim JH. A case study of contralateral occurrence after unilateral repair of hydrocele in children. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2015;29(1):44-9. 

  93. Lee JN, Kim DG, Lee JY. Report on seven cases on patients with autism spectrum disorder treated by Kwakhyangjungkisanhapyukmijihwangtang-gamibang. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2015;29(1):50-9. 

  94. Im JY, Jang IS, Kim MS, Jeong MJ. A case report on superficial second-degree burn of an infant's forearm. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2016;30(4):1-7. 

  95. Jeon BR, Min SY, Kim JH. A case report of Helicobacter pylori-related iron deficiency anemia in a child; Review of western literature. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2016; 30(3):42-51. 

  96. Jeon BR, Min SY, Kim JH. A case study of nocturnal enuresis in two children by focusing sleep-wake transition. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2016;30(1):1-8. 

  97. Kim JE, Baek JH. Effects of herbal medicine for growth of children: a retrospective study. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2016;30(4):87-98. 

  98. Koo EJ, Lee JH, Han JK, Kim YH. The clinical study of cervical sprain by car accidents in children. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2016;30(4):19-28. 

  99. Lee SY, Yu SA. A clinical study of a child with tic-disorder with allergic rhinitis. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2016; 30(1):40-4. 

  100. Lee EJ, Lee BR, Lee JH, Chang GT. A case report of infant diagnosed as sik-gan. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2016;30(3):61-8. 

  101. Lee SJ, Park EJ. A case report of treating adenoidal hypertrophy by Gwakyangjeonggisan-gamibang. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2016;30(4):8-18. 

  102. Jeon BR, Min SY, Kim EJ. A case study of an olfactory disorder in two patients combined by intranasal acupuncture treatment. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2017;31(2):25-33. 

  103. Lee SJ, Park EJ. A case report of treating recurrent hematuria in childhood by Yukmijihwangtanggamibang. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2017;31(2):57-63. 

  104. Lee HL, Yoo HS, Park SC. A case report of idiopathic precocious puberty in two children. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2017;31(1):74-81. 

  105. Shin HJ, Lee BR, Lee JH, Chang GT. A clinical study of treating autism spectrum disorder in childhood. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2017;31(4):49-60. 

  106. Yun YJ, Kim SC, Yu SA. Three cases of developmental delay due to cerebral palsy treated with Korean medicine. J Pediatr Korean Med. 2017;31(1):82-91. 

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AI-Helper ※ AI-Helper는 오픈소스 모델을 사용합니다.

AI-Helper 아이콘
안녕하세요, AI-Helper입니다. 좌측 "선택된 텍스트"에서 텍스트를 선택하여 요약, 번역, 용어설명을 실행하세요.
※ AI-Helper는 부적절한 답변을 할 수 있습니다.

선택된 텍스트
