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[국내논문] Guild Patterns of Basidiomycetes Community Associated With Quercus mongolica in Mt. Jeombong, Republic of Korea 원문보기

Mycobiology, v.46 no.1, 2018년, pp.13 - 23  

Oh, Seung-Yoon (School of Biological Sciences and Institution of Microbiology, Seoul National University) ,  Cho, Hae Jin (School of Biological Sciences and Institution of Microbiology, Seoul National University) ,  Eimes, John A. (University College, Sungkyunkwan University) ,  Han, Sang-Kuk (Forest Biodiversity Division, Korea National Arboretum) ,  Kim, Chang Sun (Forest Biodiversity Division, Korea National Arboretum) ,  Lim, Young Woon (School of Biological Sciences and Institution of Microbiology, Seoul National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Depending on the mode of nutrition exploitation, major fungal guilds are distinguished as ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi. It is generally known that diverse environmental factors influence fungal communities; however, it is unclear how fungal communities respond differently to environment fa...


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  • This study was supported by the research project for exploring potential fungal diversity in forest soil (KNA1-1-14, 14-2) from the Korea National Arboretum.
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참고문헌 (59)

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