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Effects of Density, Temperature, Size, Grain Angle of Wood Materials on Nondestructive Moisture Meters 원문보기

목재공학 = Journal of the Korean wood science and technology, v.47 no.1, 2019년, pp.40 - 50  

Pang, Sung-Jun (Department of Wood Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University) ,  Jeong, Gi Young (Department of Wood Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of density, temperature, size, and grain direction on measurement of moisture contents (MC) of wood materials non-destructively. The MC of different sizes of solid wood, glulam, and CLT from larch (larix kaempferi, $560kg/m^3$) and pine...


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문제 정의

  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate MCs of wood products using NDT methods dielectric moisture meter and resistance meters. To measure the MCs of domestic wood products more reliably, the effects of setting conditions of the meters and characteristics of materials on MC measurement were analyzed.
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참고문헌 (18)

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  2. Exotek User’s manual for MC-160SA Exoteck instruments 2013a www.exotek-instrucments.com 

  3. Exotek User’s manual for MC-380XCA Exoteck instruments 2013b www.exotek-instrucments.com 

  4. Exotek User’s manual for MC-460 Exoteck instruments 2013c www.exotek-instrucments.com 

  5. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Article ID 215758 Fredriksson 1 2015 The influence of specimen size and distance to a surface on resistive moisture content measurements in wood 

  6. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology Jung 22 4 37 1994 Comparison of equilibrium moisture contents for conventional kiln dried- and high temperature dried softwood lumber by moisture content determination 

  7. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology Kang 46 6 637 2018 10.5658/WOOD.2018.46.6.637 Changes of air permeability and moisture absorption capability of the wood by organosolv pretreatment 

  8. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology Kang 45 5 629 2017 Estimation of wood oven-dry density by using a portable dielectric moisture meter 

  9. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology Kazemi 3 293 2001 Effects of initial moisture content on wood decay at different levels of gaseous oxygen concentrations 

  10. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology Kim 45 6 762 2017 10.5658/WOOD.2017.45.6.762 Finite difference evaluation of moisture profile in boxed-heart large-cross-section square timber of pinus densiflora during high temperature derying 

  11. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology Lee 44 3 302 2016 10.5658/WOOD.2016.44.3.302 Effects of the knife-incising and kerfing pretreatment on moisture content and surface check occurrence of douglas-fir heavy timber 

  12. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology Lee 44 3 424 2016 10.5658/WOOD.2016.44.3.424 Comparison of moisture absorption/desorption properties of carbonized boards made from wood-based panels 

  13. Journal of Cultural Heritage Niemz 13 3 S26 2012 10.1016/j.culher.2012.04.001 Non-destructive testing of wood and wood-based materials 

  14. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology Oh 44 1 106 2016 10.5658/WOOD.2016.44.1.106 Electrical properties and far-infrared ray emission of ceramics manufactured with sawdust and rice husk 

  15. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology Ra 42 6 653 2014 10.5658/WOOD.2014.42.6.653 Determination of equilibrium moisture content of outdoor woods by using hailwood-horrobin equation in Korea 

  16. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology Ra 46 4 301 2018 10.5658/WOOD.2018.46.4.301 Determination of moisture index in Korea 

  17. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology Son 32 4 74 2004 Wood decay detection by non-destructive methods 

  18. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology Yang 45 4 382 2017 Effect of moisture content of sawdust and length to diameter ratio of a hole in flat-die pelletizer on the fuel characteristics of wood pellets produced with quercus mongolica, pinus densiflora, pinus rigida and larix kaempferi 

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