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Occupational Safety and Health Among Young Workers in the Nordic Countries: A Systematic Literature Review 원문보기 논문타임라인

Safety and health at work : SH@W, v.10 no.1, 2019년, pp.3 - 20  

Hanvold, Therese N. (National Institute of Occupational Health) ,  Kines, Pete (National Research Centre for the Working Environment) ,  Nykanen, Mikko (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health) ,  Thomee, Sara (Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg) ,  Holte, Kari A. (Norce, Norwegian Research Centre) ,  Vuori, Jukka (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health) ,  Waersted, Morten (National Institute of Occupational Health) ,  Veiersted, Kaj B. (National Institute of Occupational Health)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This review aimed to identify risk factors for occupational accidents and illnesses among young workers in the Nordic countries and to attain knowledge on specific vulnerable groups within the young working force that may need special attention. We conducted a systematic review from 1994 to 2014 usi...


참고문헌 (96)

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