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[국내논문] Characteristics according to the Amount of HAp Added in Resin for Tooth Repair 원문보기

한국세라믹학회지 = Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society, v.56 no.6, 2019년, pp.521 - 525  

Hwang, Sungu (Department of Nanomechatronics Engineering, Pusan National University) ,  Lim, Jinhyuck (Department of Nanomechatronics Engineering, Pusan National University) ,  Ryu, Suchak (Department of Nanomechatronics Engineering, Pusan National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A study was conducted to investigate the possibility of a composite material containing a composite resin as a matrix and hydroxyapatite (HAp) powder as a substitute material for tooth repair. As the content of HAp increased, hardness value (111.9 HV at 9%) increased and flexural strength (73.3 MPa ...


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가설 설정

  • 1. The results of the Vickers hardness test showed that hardness increased with increasing HAp contents. It was found that the addition of HAp increased the abrasion resistance of the resin composite surface.
  • 3. Observation of the microstructure showed that dissolved HAp was filling the pores. It was believed to have been deposited on the tooth surface by recrystallization and entangled to form a condensation structure and have a dense structure.
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참고문헌 (13)

  1. D.-S. Seo, H. Kim, and J. K. Lee, "Surface Dissolution of Hydroxyapatite Biomaterials with Ca/P Ratio," J. Korean Ceram. Soc., 41 [1] 45-50 (2004). 

  2. S. C. Ryu, "Study on the Tooth Recovery Material Using with Hydroxyapatite," J. Korean Ceram. Soc., 42 [10] 660-64 (2005). 

  3. Y.-J. Jung, Y.-J. Kim, J.-W. Kim, S.-H. Lee, C.-C. Kim, S.- H. Hahn, and K.-T. Jang, "Effects of Nanofiller Content on the Microhardness of Experimental Microhybrid Resin Composites," J. Korean Acad. Pediatr. Dent., 32 [1] 7-12 (2005). 

  4. D. G. Seo and B. D. Roh, "The Comparison of Relative Reliability on Biaxial and Three Point Flexural Strength Testing Methods of Light Curing Composite Resin," J Korean Acad Conserv Dent., 31 [1] 58-65 (2006). 

  5. S.-W. Ku, J.-H. Park, and Y.-M. Ko, "Mechanical Properties of Ceramic/Polymer Blocks for CAD/CAM Dental Restoration," Korean Soc. Dent. Mater., 44 [2] 107-17 (2017). 

  6. J.-H. Kim, Y.g-U. Sim, T.-Y. Yang, S.-Y. Yoon, and H.-C. Park, "Biomimetio Apatite Preoipitated on the Surface of Titanium Powder," J. Korean Ceram. Soc., 47 [2] 127-31 (2010). 

  7. H.-H. Jin, D.-H. Kim, T.-W. Kim, H.-C. Park, and S.-Y. Yoon, "Degradation Behavior of Hydroxyapatite with Different Crystallinity in Simulated Body Fluid Solution," Korean J. Mater. Res., 21 [6] 347-51 (2011). 

  8. Y.-W. Im, S.-S. Hwang, S.-H. Kim, and H.-H. Lee, "Effects of Specimens Dimension on the Flexural Roperties and Testing Reliability of Dental Composite Resin," Korean J. Dent. Mater., 44 [3] 273-80 (2017). 

  9. Y.-W. Im and S.-S. Hwang, "Evaluation of Flexural Properties of Indirect Gum-Shade Composite Resin for Esthetic Improvement," J. Dent. Hyg. Sci., 15 [4] 407-12 (2015). 

  10. J.-I. Yoo, S.-Y. Kim, B. Batbayar, J.-W. Kim, S.-H. Park, and K.-M. Cho, "Comparison of Flexural Strength and Modulus of Elasticity in Several Resinous Teeth Splinting Materials," J. Dent. Rehabil Appl. Sci., 32 [3] 169-75 (2016). 

  11. Y. W. Im, S. S. Hwang, and H. H. Lee, "Evaluation of Flexural Properties by 3-point and 4-point Flexural Test Method of Dental Composite Resins," Korean. J. Dent. Mater., 42, 65-66 (2015). 

  12. K. H. Kim, "Nickel Amalgamation by Electro-Deposition Process Using Mercury Cathode and its Properties," J. Korean Inst. Surf. Eng., 38 [5] 198-201 (2005). 

  13. Y. W. Im, B. S. Song, and H. H. Lee, "Correlation of the Mechanical Properties of Dental Composite Resin with Filler Content," Korean. J. Dent. Mater., 40(spec), 22-24 (2013). 

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