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[국내논문] Study of the cartilage matrix production-promoting effect of chicken leg extract and identification of the active ingredient 원문보기

Nutrition research and practice, v.13 no.6, 2019년, pp.480 - 487  

Yamada, Hiroaki (Pharma Foods International Co., Ltd.) ,  Nakamura, Utano (Pharma Foods International Co., Ltd.) ,  Nakamura, Toshio (Pharma Foods International Co., Ltd.) ,  Uchida, Yoshikazu (Pharma Foods International Co., Ltd.) ,  Yamatsu, Atsushi (Pharma Foods International Co., Ltd.) ,  Kim, Mujo (Pharma Foods International Co., Ltd.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a major public health issue in Japan and other countries, and foods that prevent or treat OA are in strong demand. Proteins and peptides in chicken meat and bones are known for being rich in functional and nutritional ingredients for the improvement of o...


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가설 설정

  • In this study, we used animal and cell models to evaluate whether CLE induces the production of articular cartilage matrix and can be an effective food for treating or preventing OA. Since foods are absorbed after digestion, it is important to evaluate the digestion state of ingested foods.
  • We subsequently found that Phe-Hyp was relevant to increase in acid mucopolysaccharide production in ATDC5 cells, while Pro-Hyp, Leu-Hyp and Glu-Hyp did not increase production. To estimate whether Phe-Hyp is the major active compound in the CLE digest and the proportion of contribution to the effect of CLE, Phe-Hyp and CLE digest were compared in terms of acid mucopolysaccharide production-promoting activity. We found that Phe-Hyp contributed to the majority of the activity of the CLE digest.
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참고문헌 (25)

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