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근대의 이원론과 르 코르뷔지에의 사고
Modern Dualism and Le Corbusier's Ideas

大韓建築學會論文集. Journal of the architectural institute of korea. 計劃系, v.35 no.11 = no.373, 2019년, pp.101 - 108  

이재영 (연세대학교 건축공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, Le Corbusier's ideas were investigated from the view point of modern dualism. Le Corbusier, pioneer of modern architecture, insisted a rationalistic architecture for the industrial period, considering a house as 'machine for living'. In the other way, he tried to arouse emotions throu...


참고문헌 (25)

  1. Alphand, A. (1885). L''art des Jardins - Traite pratique et didactique, 3rd edition, Paris, Rothshild, 59. 

  2. Berque, A. (2000). ECOUMENE, Introduction a l'etude des milieux humaines, Paris, BELIN, 115-116, 119, 125. 

  3. Casali, V. (2004). La natue comme paysage, Le Corbusier et la nature, Paris, Fondation de Le Corbusier et Editions de la Villett, 63-73. 

  4. Chung, S.-H (2002). Chang of Le Corbusier's Architectural Form reflected in Notre-Dame-du-Haut Chapel in Ronchamp, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning &Design, 18(11), 109-116. 

  5. Couston, F. (2005). L'ecologisme est-il un humanisme, Paris, L'harmattan, 48. 

  6. Descartes, R. (2010). Lettre-preface de l'edition francaise des princepes de la philosophie, OEuvres philosophiques, Tome 3 - 1643-1650, Paris, Classiques Garnier(Ed.), 776. 

  7. Gonzalez, A. G. (2016). Le Corbusier. The duality architecture male and architecture femelle, VLC arquitectura, 3(2), 119-147. 

  8. Jenger, J. (1999). Le Corbusier, l'architecture pour emouvoir, Seoul, Sigonsa, 40, 43, 138. 

  9. Jun, Y., & Koo, J. (2011). A Study on the formative meaning of Ronchamp chapel through the late paintings of Le Corbusier, Bulletin of Korean society of basic design & art, 12(1), 499-507. 

  10. Koyre A. (2009). Du monde clos a l'univers infini, Paris, Gallimard, 127-128. 

  11. Le Corbusier (1946). Art, L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, 46(2), 9-17. 

  12. Le Corbusier (1996, originally published in 1925). L'art decoratif d'aujourd'hui, Paris, Flammarion, 113, 210-211. 

  13. Le Corbusier (1957, originally published in 1943). La charte d'Athenes. Avec un discours liminaire de Jean Giraudoux, Paris, Editions de Minuit, 37, 73. 

  14. Le Corbusier (1964, originally published in 1933). La ville radieuse, Paris, Vincent Frel & Cie, 83. 

  15. Boesiger, W. & Le Corbusier (1999, originally published in 1930). Le Corbusier et Pierre Jeanneret, OEuvre complete, 1910-29, 1, Bale, Birkhauser, 112. 

  16. Le Corbusier (2013, orginally published 1927). Mise au point. Jung, J., K.(trans.), Paju, Youlhwadang, 11, 13, 21. 

  17. Le Coburiser (1960, originally published in 1930). Precision: sur un etat present de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme, Paris, Vincent Frel & Cie, 76. 

  18. Le Corbusier (1994, originally published in 1923). Urbanisme, Paris, Flammarion, 10, 224, 225. 

  19. Le Corbusier (1989, originally published in 1928). Une maison - un palais a la recherche d'une architecturale, Paris, Editions connivences, 86, 224. 

  20. Le Corbusier (1977, originally published in 1923). Vers une architecture, Paris, Arthaud, 13, 106, 173, 181. 

  21. Lee, K. (2011). A study on Le Corbusier's Attitude towards Machine in 1920s, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning &Design, 27(3), 231-240. 

  22. Legros, R. (1990). L'idee d'humanite, Paris, Grasset & Fasquelle, 250. 

  23. Margaret, W. (2002). The pearly gates of cyberspace: a history of space from Dante to the Internet, Seoul, Saenggakeu namu, 201. 

  24. Pauly, D. (1987). Purisme, Le Corbusier Une encyclopedie, Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou, 318, 319. 

  25. Verne, M. (12.1985-01.1986). Genese et avatars du jardin public, Les Monuments Historique de la France, 9. 

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