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미래 그린 해수담수화 기술
Future green seawater desalination technologies 원문보기

上下水道學會誌 = Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater, v.34 no.6, 2020년, pp.403 - 410  

김정빈 (고려대학교 건축사회환경공학과) ,  홍승관 (고려대학교 건축사회환경공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The difficulty of securing freshwater sources is increasing with global climate change. On the other hand, seawater is less affected by climate change and regarded as a stable water source. For utilizing seawater as freshwater, seawater desalination technologies should be employed to reduce the conc...


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  • 이 연구는 저에너지 미래 그린 해수담수화를 위한 기술에 대해 상세히 분석한다. 먼저 저에너지 해수 담수화 기술 개발을 위해 역삼투 기술, 유입수 염도 저감 기술, 그리고 삼투에너지 회수 기술에 대해 분석하고 평가한다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (18)

  1. Elemental Water Source. https://www.elementalwatermakers.com/solutions/plug-play-solar-desalination/ (October 21, 2020). 

  2. Kim, J. and Hong, S. (2018). A novel single-pass reverse osmosis configuration for high-purity water production and low energy consumption in seawater desalination, Desalination, 429, 142-154. 

  3. Kim, J., Park, K., and Hong, S. (2020a). Application of two-stage reverse osmosis system for desalination of high-salinity and high-temperature seawater with improved stability and performance, Desalination, 492, 114645. 

  4. Kim, J., Park, K., and Hong, S. (2020b). Optimization of two-stage seawater reverse osmosis membrane processes with practical design aspects for improving energy efficiency, J. Membr. Sci., 601, 117889. 

  5. Kim, J., Park, K., Yang, D.R., and Hong, S. (2019). A comprehensive review of energy consumption of seawater reverse osmosis desalination plants, Appl. Energy, 254, 113652. 

  6. Nirobox. https://www.fluencecorp.com/nirobox/ (October 21, 2020). 

  7. Osmoflo Brine Squeezer technology. https://www.osmoflo.com/globalassets/ourcapabilities/osmoflo-brine-squeezer---obs-8-19.pdf (October 21, 2020). 

  8. Pankratz, T. (2019). RO systems make their case for brine concentration applications, Global Water Intelligence, June, 44-47. 

  9. Park, K., Kim, D.Y., and Yang, D.R. (2017). Cost-based feasibility study and sensitivity analysis of a new draw solution assisted reverse osmosis (DSARO) process for seawater desalination, Desalination, 422, 182-193. 

  10. Park, K., Kim, J., Yang, D.R., and Hong, S. (2020). Towards a low-energy seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant: A review and theoretical analysis for future directions, J. Membr. Sci., 595, 117607. 

  11. Procera seawater desalination systems. https://www.suezwatertechnologies.com/products/reverse-osmosis/sea water-packaged-desalination (October 21, 2020). 

  12. Schenkeveld, M., Morris, R., Budding, B., Helmer, J., and Innanen, S. (2012). Seawater and Brackish Water Desalination in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia-A Review of Key issues and Experience in Six Countries (Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan, Uzbekistan, Malta, Cyprus), World Bank, Washington D.C. 

  13. The advantages of CCD. https://www.desalitech.com/advantages-of-ccd/ (October 21, 2020). 

  14. Unlocking high-salinity desalination. http://www.hyrec.co/solutions/ (October 21, 2020). 

  15. Voutchkov, N. (2013). Seawater Desalination-Costs and Technology Trends. Encyclopedia of Membrane Science and Technology. 

  16. Voutchkov, N. (2018). Energy use for membrane seawater desalination - current status and trends, Desalination, 431, 2-14. 

  17. Weaver, R. (2020). "Desalination market update", GWI DesalData Market Assessment Webinar, 13 August, 2020, Online. 

  18. XtremeRO/NF-Brine concentrator & water maker. https://www.saltworkstech.com/technology/xtremero-nf-reverse-osmosis-system/ (October 21, 2020) 

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