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소비자 프라이버시 보호에 관한 다항식 기반 연구
A Polynomial-based Study on the Protection of Consumer Privacy 원문보기

한국IT서비스학회지 = Journal of Information Technology Services, v.19 no.1, 2020년, pp.145 - 158  

박연희 (Yanbian University, College of Economics and Management) ,  김민지 (Seoul National University, Business School)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

With the development and widespread application of online shopping, the number of online consumers has increased. With one click of a mouse, people can buy anything they want without going out and have it sent right to the doors. As consumers benefit from online shopping, people are becoming more co...


표/그림 (5)

AI 본문요약
AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

제안 방법

  • In this paper, we mainly analyze the security problems against the mentioned polynomialbased method using Kamal's attack, simultaneous equations, Newton's method, the Berlekamp algorithm, and a brute-force attack.
  • , 2013). In this paper, we will analyze the polynomialbased method from a security perspective and recommend a relatively reasonable hash-based mechanism.
  • Taken together, it will help strengthen security for consumer data, such as payment information and logistics data for online communication when we adopt the improved method. The purpose of the current study was to make the encryption method more light weight and more secure in online shopping, and the findings of this study have a number of important implications for encryption and authentication technology in online communication.
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참고문헌 (31)

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